Labor Market Information Joseph Winter Supervisor Current Employment Statistics and Local Area Unemployment Statistics Todd Nielsen Regional Economist – Eastern Region
Economic Horoscope for Colorado Colorado was declared a state on Aug 1, Star sign: Leo Characteristics: (Colorado) is colorful, self assured, and expansive.
Economic Horoscope for Eastern Region 2005 Leo: Your talents are varied. You're valued for your potential -- and you'll certainly live up to it -- but pause to be sure it's what you really want. As goes the Dollar, so may agricultural exports. Oil and gas add high value positions As Denver Metro lost 75,000 jobs (02-03), Eastern gained 468 jobs (1.3%)
2005 Statewide Projections from Colorado Business Economic Outlook (In Millions of Dollars) LivestockCropsTotal Value 2005$ 3,491.0$ 1,367.0$ 4,858.0 % change %1.11%3.27% Source: Business Research Division, Leeds School of Business, University of Colorado at Boulder
2005 Statewide Projections from Colorado Business Economic Outlook (In Millions of Dollars) Value of Services & Forestry Gov’t Payments Gross Value of Farm Rev. 2005$ 660.0$ 250.0$ 5,768.0 % change %-6.72%1.00% Source: Business Research Division, Leeds School of Business, University of Colorado at Boulder
QCEW-Top Sectors Industry Mix
Labor Market Information Eastern Region Job Vacancy Survey Highlights Labor Force Long Term Outlook
Eastern JVS Conducted August 4-15, 2004 Total of 767 employers Representing 54% of regional non-farm employment Estimated: 249 job vacancies Average wage of $12.00 per hour
Historical Vacancies
Vacancies & Wages by Employer Size
Vacancies & Avg. Wage by JVS Sectors
Hot Jobs
Major Occupational Groups
Eastern Region Workforce
Long Term Outlook Employment is closely related to population.
QCEW by Pop
QCEW by Pop
Population and Employment
Long Term Outlook Employment to population relationship trend over the next ten years YearPopulationCovered Employment ,00036, ,40040, ,40044,200
Final Thought Remember: Your talents are varied, you're valued for your potential -- and you'll certainly live up to it -- but pause to be sure it's what you really want.
Contact Information Joseph Winter Supervisor CES/LAUS Colorado Dept of Labor 1515 Arapahoe T/2 #300 Denver, CO Fax: Todd Nielsen Regional Economist Colorado Dept of Labor 1515 Arapahoe T/2 #300 Denver, CO Fax: