7th Grade i-Team Curriculum Night 2013 - 2014
7th Grade i-Team 2013 - 2014 Mrs. Mann, ELA, Team Leader Ms. Zimmerman, Math Mr. Rau, Social Studies Mr. Wallace, Science Mrs. Angel, Co-Teacher Ms. Smith, Student Intern (Science & Math) Ms. Copenhaver, Student Intern (Social Studies and ELA)
7th Grade ELA Mrs. Brandy Mann bmann@forsyth.k12.ga.us NEW COMMON CORE STANDARDS https://www.georgiastandards.org/Common-Core/Common%20Core%20Frameworks/CCGPS_ELA_Grade7_Standards.pdf Areas of focus: Writing: Argumentative & Explanatory Reading: Informational Texts Novels: A Long Walk to Water, A Christmas Carol, Wednesday Wars Speaking and Listening: Engage in collaborative discussions Language: Study and apply grammar Use and understand both general academic and domain-specific vocabulary
7th Grade Math Ms. Zimmerman New Common Core Standards Unit Topics: Number Systems Expressions and Equations Geometry Statistics and Probability Ratios and Proportional Relationships HW is given Monday-Thursday Holt Online Textbook User id: lmspatriot Password: math7
7th Grade Social Studies – Mr. Rau Students will learn about Africa, SE Asia, Middle East Focus on geography, economics, government, & historical understandings 2nd year of a two-year World Studies course Instruction provided in inquiry & traditional formats Two major interdisciplinary projects during the school year
7th Grade Science Mr. Wallace Unit topics: Lab Safety Cell structure and function Body Systems Ecosystems Biomes Online Text Book www.phschool.com click on SuccessNet User: libscience7 Pass: 7science
Co-Teacher Jeanne Angel Co-teacher in one section each of Language Arts, Math, Social Studies and Science Send weekly e-note, Team Talk, to parent contacts.
Student Interns Ms. Smith, Science & Math Ms. Copenhaver, Social Studies and ELA