7 th Grade Math MS. DOMBROSKI ALDERWOOD MIDDLE SCHOOL ROOM 17 Welcome to Curriculum Night
Teaching Experience Western Washington University Second year at Alderwood Middle School Taught Middle school science, HS Biology, and Physics at Edmonds Heights K-12
Personal life I have four boys; Christopher, 18 Alexander, 16 Josiah, 14 Berekiah, 11 Some of the things I like to do is travel, sew, cook, and play games.
Some interesting things about me… I have achieved a pilots license to fly single engine aircraft. I love to build things and have my own collection of tools and power tools. I’ve coached 3 First Lego League teams and hope to get a team started here next year.
7 th Grade Math We use the Glencoe Math Course 2 textbook. It is also available online at: There are resources such as videos, worksheets, and virtual manipulatives on the website. MobyMax is an online math program that we will also be using throughout the year.
Year at a Glance The Number System All about numbers Expressions/Equations Equations with one variable Inequalities Ratios/Proportions Geometry Figures Measurement Statistics and Probability
Grading System: Summative Tests Students will generate 60% of their math grade by the scores they earn on Summative Tests, which are big unit tests. Summative tests measure understanding on specific 7 th grade standards as well as the new common core state standards. Classwork and Homework will make up 40% of their grade. Summative tests may be corrected to 100% and will receive a maximum score of 80%.
Grading System: Performance Math journals will be periodically collected and reviewed for completion and understanding. Formative assessments, like quizzes, will be given frequently to ensure understanding. These two count for 40% of the student’s grade.
Grading System: Summative Test scores fall on a 10 point percentage scale from 100% to 50%. A = 90 – 100%B = 80 – 89% C = 70 – 79%D = 60 – 69% F = 59% and below My personal opinion is that 80%+ is passing. Below 80% needs extra study and practice.
Homework : Homework will be assigned Monday through Thursday. Thursday will be a study night as well. We will have quizzes and tests on Fridays There will be time in class to complete work.
Keep In Touch TTeacher Website – Through teacher websites on the AMS website. SSkyward AAssignment grades & attendance CConnection to teacher E Connections PPhone 4
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