Working Group Report 1 19 th April 2013
Slide 2 Technical education aims to 1) develop the skills capacity within countries and 2) align those skills with “market demand” Effective technical education means that the school system must develop and maintain a close and collaborative working relationship with the private sector to provide (a) knowledge, (b) skills and (c) attitudes relevant for employment or self- employment. In Suriname, technical education is provided by junior and secondary technical schools and by the SAO. Larger companies also offer some technical training to their staff.
Slide 3 Category Intervention LogicVerifiable Target 2. Project Purpose2.1 Demand-driven educational system strengthened Reductions in unfilled skilled positions in labour market 3. Expected Results3.1 Work permits for skilled persons reduced xxx% reduction in work permits issued annually 3.2 Labour productivity rate increased xxx% increase in labour productivity 3.3 Number of firms offering formal training to employees increased xxx% of staff trained by private sector increased from xx% to xx%
Slide Activities OutputsResources 4.1 Create a formal platform for private- public dialogue on education Demand established for skills/knowledge Labour supply opportunities and limitations articulated On-the-job apprenticeship programmes defined Annual labour market information system established Create a “job opportunity profile” information system Create a registry of all vocational training institutions and qualifications levels SBF and MINOV, University, ABS – to create special unit for PPD on education MLTDE (to upgrade its labour data system to address the manpower planning) Same as SBF (to generate information from carrying out annual surveys of skills needed by the private sector) Same as Ministry of Education and Ministry of Labour.
Slide 5 4. ActivitiesOutputsResources 4.2 Develop a core curriculum at primary- to-upper secondary levels Complete Basic primary Education Improvement Program Start a BEIP-type program at secondary school level Ministry of Education (with support from IADB) Ministry of Education (US$15 m. loan for BEIP II) 4.3 Increase the capacity for identifying and nurturing talented/gifted skills in the population Train teachers to identify talent/skilled children at pre-school Create “talent discovery ” centres and talent competitions MINOV and Ministry of Youth and Sport The Physics Olympiad? NGOs? 4.4 Increase apprenticeship-based private sector skills training capacity Introduce Tax Credits to encourage private sector into apprenticeship training Improve budget process within MINOV to ensure TVET access to resources Ministry of Finance MINOV and TVET Department
Slide ActivitiesOutputsResources 4.5 To establish international accreditation standards for private vocational training institutions “gap analysis” audits of existing institutions’ training programmes Accreditation programs for training institutions Accreditation law to legitimise interna- tional accreditation Expert to carry out analysis, define requirements and lay out accreditation programs for training institutions Ministry of Education Ministry of Education; approved by Parliament 4.6 Plan and introduce public awareness programme on benefits of educational reform Develop a communication strategy (on-going process) Ministry of Education (Permanent Secretary or Director) 4.7 Increase awareness of National Vision and articulate implications for Education sector As above Ministry of Education (Permanent Secretary or Director)
Slide Activities Outputs Resources 4.8 Establish a programme to increase targets for number of STEM graduates at secondary and tertiary school levels Increase number of STEM graduates Quantify teaching capacity to meet the STEM graduate targets Improve the quality of teachers, curriculum, labs, infrastructure, etc University, Ministry of Education and the Private Sector Ministry of Education Ministry of Education 4.9 Strengthen the Department of Ministry of Education and increase the Department’s capacity Continue statistics systems by Department of Research in MINOV Make statistics available on a monthly basis to PPD group Department of Research and Planning in MINOV Ministry of Education 4.10 Introduce life-long learning programmes via private and public educational systems Teachers to take refresher courses once every year Offer additional Continued Education to society and invest in distance education Ministry of Education Private training institutions and MINOV institutions
Slide 8 8 OutputsBudget (Costs) Demand established for technical skills/knowledge Labour supply opportunities and limitations articulated On-the-job apprenticeship programmes defined Set up an annual labour market information system to inform skills demand areas in Suriname Create a “job opportunity profile” information system with the private- public dialogue group on education Create a registry of all vocational training institutions and qualifications Budget to be established by the Public Private Dialogue (PPD) group PADF to complete study on labour market opportunities (costs to be borne by USAID- funded PADF project) Consultant for six months to design the apprenticeship program (est. $100,000) CIDA is working under the Caribbean Education for Employment program to support countries with LMI system (when for Suriname?) Annual surveys of the private sector to assess upcoming job opportunities in skilled areas of work (cost estimate unknown). No additional costs required
Slide 9 OutputsBudget (Costs) Complete the current Basic (primary) Education Improvement Programme (BEIP) Start a BEIP-type programme at secondary school level IADB to continue to fund BEIP Estimated cost (provisional) of secondary school program is US$15 m based on BEIP II budget (source of funding is unknown) Train teachers to identify talent/skilled children at pre-school level Create nationwide a “talent discovery system” or centres and talent competitions. No additional costs required: teacher training already on-going as part of (teacher training) restructuring effort. US$1 million per year ($100,000 per district) Introduce Tax Credits to encourage private sector provision of student/apprenticeship training Improve the budgeting process within MINOV to ensure TVET access to resources Reduction in tax payments by companies invoking tax credits (amounts unknown) CUS, through Kabinet of Vice President to lobby MINOV and Ministry of Finance to increase funding – SRD 15 million to Department of TVET
Slide 10 OutputsBudget (Costs) Carry out “gap analysis” audits of existing institutions Define the minimum requirements for international accreditation Lay out accreditation programmes for training institutions Develop legal framework for an accreditation law) 120 working days for one consultant inclusive of fees, per diem and travel costs = US$100,000 (for and 4.5.2) US$150,000 (based on SBF National Certification Program) No additional funding required Develop a communication strategy No additional funding required because of on- going MINOV program in this area Increase awareness of National Vision in society Budget provided for in Info Act (on-going)
Slide 11 OutputsBudget (Costs) Set the target levels for number of STEM graduates Quantify the teaching capacity required to meet the increased STEM graduate targets Improve the quality of teachers, curriculum, labs, infrastructure, etc. US Embassy is sponsoring STEM program in USA. Therefore no additional funding required for and Additional funding to be determined (refer to Bureau of Staff Development resources) Continue implementation of statistics systems by Department of Research and Planning in MINOV Make statistics available on a monthly basis to PPD group Budget unknown. To be determined Teachers to take refresher courses once every year Offer Continued Education courses to society and invest in in distance (learning) education Costs to be covered by Bureau of Staff Development who is already committed to teacher refresher courses Unknown costs: mainly related to e-learning services and ownership structure of those services
Slide 12 Pre-Conditions for advancing Technical Education 1. Obtain formal endorsement of MINOV of logical framework content ! 2. Collect data to establish the 1 January 2013 baselines for the following Verifiable Indicators: i. Unfilled skilled positions in labour market ii. Number of work permits issued in 2012 iii. Labour productivity index at 31 December 2012 iv. % of staff trained by private sector at 31 December Establish annual milestone targets for next five years for: i.Reductions in unfilled skilled jobs; ii.Reductions in work permits issued; iii.Increases in labour productivity iv.Increases. in % of staff trained by private sector
Slide 13 THANK YOU!