Austrian experience in guidance supporting parents in career counselling their children
Claudia Liebeswar| Overview 2 Information Supply Events General Target-group specific
Claudia Liebeswar| Need for target-group-specific actions (vertical and) horizontal gender-segregation on the job market segregation consolidates gender pay gap female adolescents: outstandingly limited view of career choices important role of socialisation and parental influence 3
(Exemplary) Information Supply 4
Claudia Liebeswar| Guidebook for Parents I publisher: Public Employment Service (PES) suggestions for sources of job-related information PES counselling selected websites selected events 5
Claudia Liebeswar| Guidebook for Parents II suggestions specifically about how to support children when looking for apprenticeships when elaborating interests and strengths when creating applications & handing them in 6
Claudia Liebeswar| DVD Career and Educational Choices publisher: Public Employment Services (PES), Chamber of Labour parent-oriented information about which education suits their children how to get trainee positions counselling centers 7
Claudia Liebeswar| „Checking Chances“ publisher: Ministry of Education support to identify children‘s (job-related) competencies and strengths identifiy children‘s (job-related) interests strengthen given competencies 8
Claudia Liebeswar| Parent-Oriented Information about Career Choices of Girls/Boys publisher: MonA-Net separated brochures concerning male and female adolescents suggestions how to support and encourage children to seek for gender-“untypical“ jobs 9
Claudia Liebeswar| „Spurensuche“ („Tracking“) publisher: „mut!“-partners assisting parents and their daughters with their vocational choices support to identify strengths, interests and possibilities information about structural discrimination of female employees/workers 10
(Exemplary) Events 11
Claudia Liebeswar| Job Information Center (BIZ) organiser: Public Employment Service (PES) target group: adolescents, schools, parents aims: supplying information about professions and (further) education parents‘ role: company, informing themselves 12
Claudia Liebeswar| Parents‘ Evenings I organisers: different schools and institutions, e.g. within KL:IBO („Learning competencies by individualization and career guidance“) target group: pupils and their parents 13
Claudia Liebeswar| Parents‘ Evenings II aims: identify interests learn about strengths and weaknesses consider different career choices parents‘ role: playful interaction with their children and peers 14
Claudia Liebeswar| Companion to Choose One‘s Profession I organiser: Styrian Economic Society target group: adolescents and their environment emphasis on work with parents in workshops and parents‘ evenings 15
Claudia Liebeswar| Companion to Choose One‘s Profession II aims: supporting parents to identify children‘s strengths and weaknesses raising parents‘ awareness for stereotypes transfer of information about job-related perspectives parents‘ role: active involvement and interaction with children, teachers and „companions“ 16
Claudia Liebeswar| Fair on Education and Career I organiser: Ministry of Education, Ministry of Science, PES target group: people interested in (further) education and career choices 17
Claudia Liebeswar| Fair on Education and Career II aims: providing information about a wide range of educational and vocational possibilities on-site counselling parents‘ role: company, informing themselves, giving advice 18
Claudia Liebeswar| Viennese Daughter‘s Day I organiser: Vienna Board of Education, Federal Economic Chamber, Women‘s City Council target group: Female adolescents (aged 11 to 16) 19
Claudia Liebeswar| Viennese Daughter‘s Day II aims: giving insights into professional practice emphasis on technical, mechanic and scientific professions cope with gender stereotypes parents‘ role: company, encouragement 20
Claudia Liebeswar| Boy‘s Day I organiser: Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, Ministry of Education target group: male adolescents from 12 years on 21
Claudia Liebeswar| Boy‘s Day II aims: giving insights into professional practice emphasis on care work, educational and social professions cope with gender stereotypes parents‘ role: company, encouragement 22
Claudia Liebeswar| All in all… 23 Information Supply Events General Target-group specific
Claudia Liebeswar| Thank you for your attention! 24
Claudia Liebeswar| References – Information Supply Guidebook for Parents: Career and Educational Choices: Parent-oriented information about career choices of girls/boys: Spurensuche: 1e9bd13b2.pdf 1e9bd13b2.pdf Checking Chances:
Claudia Liebeswar| References - Events BIZ: KL:IBO: Companions: 5BC F7A65/$file/09_05_BFB- LBM_Handout%20Elternarbeit_ZeMH.pdf 5BC F7A65/$file/09_05_BFB- LBM_Handout%20Elternarbeit_ZeMH.pdf Fair on education and career: Viennese Daughter‘s Day: Boy‘s Day: 26