Workshops on Understanding and Interpreting NSS Chemistry Curriculum Raymond WH FONG Science Education Section EDB.


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Presentation transcript:

Workshops on Understanding and Interpreting NSS Chemistry Curriculum Raymond WH FONG Science Education Section EDB

TimeEvent 2:00 – 2:15 Registration 2:15 – 3:30 Talk: Curriculum framework of the Elective Part Discussion: Curriculum organisation of the Elective Part 3:30 – 3:45 Break 3:45 – 4:45 Talk: Learning sequences Discussion: Implementing NSS Chemistry Curriculum 4:45 – 5:00 Question and answer

Outline Elective part of the curriculum Curriculum Planning –Learning & teaching sequence in NSS Chemistry –Subject Combinations Brief report on assessment aspects –Public Examinations –School-based Assessment

Need to have detailed reading of the curriculum guide so as to attain a high level of understanding.

Need to have professional discourse to develop some understanding of the topics in the elective part so as to make informed choices.

Need to develop a plan for your school-based chemistry curriculum, with reference to the NSS Chemistry and Combined Science C/A Guide.

NSS Chemistry Curriculum

Curriculum Framework Compulsory Part (198 hours) Elective Part (52 hours) Investigative Study (20 hours)

Elective Part of the Curriculum: Chapter of the C/A Guide Select two topics out of three (26 hours per topic) Have to be taught the topics in S6? Are these topics most challenging ones?

Industrial Chemistry Importance of industrial processes Rate equation, Activation energy and Catalysis & industrial processes Industrial processes: –Haber process –Chloroalkali industry –Methanol synthesis Green Chemistry*

Naturally occurring polymers Synthetic polymers and plastics Metals and alloys Synthetic materials in modern ways of living Green Chemistry * Materials Chemistry

Detecting the presence of chemical species Separation and purification methods Quantitative methods of analysis Instrumental analytical methods Contribution of analytical chemistry to our society Analytical Chemistry

Reading Time Knowledge and understanding? Knowledge and understanding? Skills? Skills? Values and Attitudes? Values and Attitudes? STSE? STSE?

Cast Your Vote (You have two votes) Industrial Chemistry – ( ) Materials Chemistry – ( ) Analytical Chemistry – ( ) Why?

Discussion Questions 1.Identify the sub-topics in the compulsory part required to support the learning of the topics in the elective part of the curriculum. 2.Compare and contrast the cognitive demands of the topics in the elective part. Are the demands roughly the same? Should the demands be the same? 3.Identify the sub-topics in each of the topic in the elective part that are difficult to your students. For some reasons, you have included the topic in your teaching plan, what would you do to facilitate students’ learning.

Share your views or concerns with fellow teachers

Curriculum Planning

Interfacing Science (S1-3) Chemistry (S4) CS (Chem S4) CS (Chem S5,6) Chemistry (S5,6)

Interfacing with Junior Secondary Science Curriculum “ Stepping stones ” for senior secondary science curriculum!? Knowledge and skills required for conducting scientific investigation Knowledge and understanding Uses of fossil fuels & related environmental impacts Common acids and alkalis … Practical skills Tests for hydrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide, … Separation techniques …

Suggested Learning and Teaching Sequences

Curriculum Integration

Progression of Study (1/2)

Progression of Study (2/2)

The Combined Science Curriculum

Chemistry Part of the Curriculum: 135 hours 135 hours There are no elective topics in the chemistry part of the curriculum There are no elective topics in the chemistry part of the curriculum Are the topics challenging ones? Are the topics challenging ones? –Cognitive demand is appropriate: exceed the current S4-5 Chemistry Curriculum, and the coverage is balanced

Chemistry Part of the Curriculum 270 hours 135 hours

Two Science Subjects

NSS Chemistry and NSS Combined Science NSS Combined Science NSS Combined Science –Designed for students intended to study two subjects in science KLA Eg 1: Chemistry + Combined Science (Bio/Phy) rather than Chemistry and Biology only Eg 1: Chemistry + Combined Science (Bio/Phy) rather than Chemistry and Biology only Eg 2: Physics + Combined Science (Chem/Bio) + BAFS Eg 2: Physics + Combined Science (Chem/Bio) + BAFS –A watered down curriculum? Building a basis for further development in chemistry related study or career

I. Planet earth 8 hrs II. Microscopic world 21 hrs III. Metals 22 hrs IV. Acids and bases 28 hrs V. Fossil fuels and carbon compounds 23 hrs Chemistry Part (Total 135 hours) VI. Redox reactions, chemical cells and electrolysis 26 hrs VII. Chemical reactions and energy 7 hrs Simple investigations are subsumed in the lesson time suggested for each topic.

Combined Science Assessment tasks: “ Volumetric Exercise ” and “ Experiment ” should be incorporated into normal learning and teaching Assessment tasks: “ Volumetric Exercise ” and “ Experiment ” should be incorporated into normal learning and teaching Investigative elements can be included into the experiments Investigative elements can be included into the experiments There is no need to do investigation in the NSS Chemistry ’ s way There is no need to do investigation in the NSS Chemistry ’ s way

Pick one topic you are interested, prepare to share your concerns with other fellow teachersPick one topic you are interested, prepare to share your concerns with other fellow teachers

NSS CHEMISTRY & COMBINED SCIENCE (CHEMISTRY PART) PUBLIC ASSESSMENT Courtesy: Dr. Li Tak Man Manager- Assessment Development Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority

Papers SectionsParts Topics examined Questions SectionsPapers Paper 1 (2.5 hours) Section A (18%) Part ITopics M.C. Section A (12%) One paper only (100 mins) Part IITopics 1-12*12 M.C. Section B (42%) Part ITopics 1-8 structured questions (47 marks) essay (9 marks) structured questions (47 marks) essay (9 marks) Section B (28%) Part IITopics 1-12* structured questions (28 marks) Paper 2 (1 hour) 20% Topics # structured questions 20 marks per elective (40 marks) SBA20% 10%SBA Total100% 50%Total Chemistry Combined Science (Chemistry Part) NSS CHEMISTRY PUBLIC ASSESSMENT * Emphasis would be put on Topics 9-12 # May include contents of Topics 1-12 SBA

Chemistry PapersSectionsParts Topics examined Questions Paper 1 (2.5 hours) Section A (18%) Part ITopics M.C. Part IITopics 1-12*12 M.C. Section B (42%) Part ITopics 1-8 structured questions (47 marks) essay (9 marks) Part IITopics 1-12* structured questions (28 marks) Paper 2 (1 hour) 20% Topics # structured questions 20 marks per elective (40 marks) SBA20% Total100% * Emphasis would be put on Topics 9-12 # May include contents of Topics 1-12

Combined Science (Chemistry Part) QuestionsSectionsPapers 24 M.C. Section A (12%) One paper only (100 mins) structured questions (47 marks) essay (9 marks) Section B (28%) 10%SBA 50%Total

NSS Chemistry School-based Assessment SBA TASKS Weight- ing 20% of Public Assessment ModePractical Related Non-practical Related Task type Basic Chemical Analysis Experiment Investigative Study Assignment Task code BCAEXPTISASSN SBA Requirements

Basic Chemical Analysis Task content (student’s work) Volumetric Analysis Worksheet Detection for cations or anions or both Worksheet In-class time80 mins20 mins Out-of-school time0 mins Means of assessment (teacher’s work) Mark worksheet Percentage in SBA10% Authentication Individual work Hand in worksheets in class time SBA

BCA Piloting in School

Experiment Task content (student’s work) Perform experiments suggested in the C & A Guide (other than VA & QA) Worksheet / simple report / detailed report on experiments performed; AND/OR Quiz on experimental procedures, data manipulation, results interpretation, safety measures, etc. In-class time80 mins Out-of-school time0 – 60 mins Means of assessment (teacher’s work) Mark worksheet / simple report / detailed report / quiz Percentage in SBA30% Authentication Allow group work but individual students should hand in worksheet / simple report / raw data sheet (if detailed report to be finished at home) in class time AND/OR quiz SBA

Investigative Study Task content (student’s work) DesignProcessReport In-class time20 hours Out-of-school time2 hours Means of assessment (teacher’s work) Mark proposal Assess lab/process skills Mark written/oral reports, etc. Percentage in SBA10% Authentication Allow group work & group reporting Individual students to be questioned by teacher in class time SBA

Investigative Study Piloting in Schools

Assignment Task content (student’s work) Examples: Design a poster Develop a multimedia artefact Write a report after visiting industrial plant Read materials and write a review In-class time1 hour Out-of-school time3 hours Means of assessment (teacher’s work) Mark assignments Percentage in SBA20% Authentication Individual work Preparation performed at home Main part to be finished in class time May ask students some related questions or even require them to make very short presentation, if needed SBA

SBA requirements Number of assessments on SBA tasks BCAEXPTISASSN S6 11 33 1 11 S5 S4 (BCA, EXPT, IS and ASSN should spread out evenly across S5 and S6)

SBA requirements Number of Experiments (including BCA & EXPT, but excluding IS) S6  11 S5 S4 88

NSS Combined Science (Chemistry Part) School –based Assessment SBA REQUIREMENTS Number of assessments on SBA tasks Number of Experiments (including VA & EXPT) VA EXPTASSN % in SBA 30%40%30% S6 =1=1=2=2=1=1 77 S5 S4 44 (VA, EXPT and ASSN should spread out evenly across S5 and S6)

科目推行校本評核的策略概要 中國語文 、 英國 語文 、 通識教育 、 中國歷史 、 設計 與應用科技 、 歷 史 、 資訊及通訊 科技 、 視覺藝術 經濟 、 倫理與宗教 、 地理 、 中國文學 、 健康管理與社會關 懷 、 旅遊與款待 、 科技與生活 、 * 英 語文學 、 # 體育 生物 化學 物理 科學 音樂企業 、 會 計與財務 概論 、 數 學 2012 推行延遲只在實驗相 關課業推行 延遲 2013 推行延遲 2014 推行 學校試驗 2015 推行 學校試驗 2016 推行 推行﹕所有學校全面推行校本評核,並向考評局呈交校本評核的分數,而有關分數將計算於 入全科成績 學校試驗計劃﹕所有學校全面推行課程及評估指引,並向考評局呈交校本評核的分數及獲取 回饋,但有關分數並不會計算入全科成績 延遲 : 所有學校全面推行課程及評核指引,但不會向考評局呈交校本評核的分數 * 英語文學在 2012 及 2013 年,學生需遞交作品集檔案予考評局評核 # 體育科在 2012 及 2013 年,學生需參加由考評局主辦之實習試

Catering for learners’ diversity Concern: Flexibility of curriculum for students with different needs Review: Certain flexibility already implemented in the curriculumCertain flexibility Response: provide suggestions to facilitate teachers develop a flexible curriculum for students provide suggestions to teachers on how to cater differences at learning and teaching include diverse assessment items provide PD opportunities for teachers to enhance their knowledge and skills in understanding the curriculum and how to deal with learning differences

Catering for learners’ diversity Possible arrangements: –Complete the entire curriculum but focus more on the less demanding sub-topics –Focus more on the compulsory part and put less emphasis in the elective part –Focus only on the compulsory part, and skip the topics in the elective part –Core and extension arrangement?!Core and extension arrangement?!

Curriculum Planning Exercise Devise a draft plan for learning and teaching of NSS Chemistry for a hypothetical school or share your initial plan, which includes –background information of the school –a desirable learning and teaching sequence of the compulsory part –how would you implement investigative study –rationale for selecting topics in the elective part –means to cater for learners’ diversity –… … …

Prepare a 5-minute presentation to share your views with other fellow teachers

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Core and extension