What Opportunities, When: A Framework for Professional Development Heather Macdonald College of William and Mary
What Opportunities, When: A Framework for Professional Development jjj What are possibilities?
What can Faculty/Departments Do Regarding Student Career Development? Provide information about jobs/careers Encourage exploration of options Provide experiences that develop skills, knowledge, attitudes (throughout program) Support job search
What Can Faculty Do? First-year students Provide information about jobs/careers –What are possibilities? –Photos and stories of geoscientists –Examples of “practical applications” –Job prospects (Dallas Rhodes/GSU) –Making connections options (e.g., K-12 teaching, Rowan Lockwood, W&M) Encourage exploration of options –Informational interviews
What Can Faculty Do? Geoscience Majors Provide information about jobs/careers –List of possibilities –Career brochures, web resources –Alumni newsletter –Career panels (recent alumni) –Seminar speakers (range of careers) Top Ten Reasons to Become an Earth Science Teacher Talking with students about job in a state survey
What can Faculty Do? Geoscience Majors Encourage exploration of options –Research –REUs and internships –Externships/Shadowing programs –E-introductions of students & alumni –Informational interviews Provide experiences that develop skills, knowledge, attitudes –Skills across the curriculum (field, math, research, communication, … –Independent research –Opportunities to teach - undergrad TA, local outreach programs
What can Faculty Do? Geoscience Majors Support job search –Departmental sessions and handout on graduate school –Networking (face-to-face and electronic) – students and alumni –Distribute job announcements on student list serv –Review resumes –Mock interviews/discuss interview strategies –“Elevator” talks re student research –Be supportive of student choices
What can Faculty/Depts Do? An Example: Preparing for an Academic Career in the Geosciences: Resources for Grad Students & Post-docs serc.carleton.edu/careerprep Provide information about jobs/careers –Career path assignment Encourage exploration of options Provide experiences that develop skills, knowledge, attitudes Support job search
Professional Traits What professional traits do we want students to develop How can we help them develop those traits?
Provide Range of Opportunities Art Meets Science (in the Geology Library) leadership teaching and more… Show you Care
Background: I’m here in Antarctica monitoring some USGS stream gauges. Yes that’s right- being able to measure discharge properly will get you a job, so listen up in Hydrology. Pic: one of our stream gauges before the stream in the background has thawed out From E. Gercke