Blessed Are The Meek Meekness is not weakness An animal that has been tamed Strength under control Medicine should be strong and gentle This beatitude is actually found in Psalm 37:11 Also v. 29, 34 righteous, patient, keep His way, Fruit of the Spirit coupled with self-control Galatians 5:23 Spirit-controlled mind, & mind-controlled body
Blessed Are The Meek Jesus described Himself as meek Matt. 11:30 He was prophesied to be meek Matt. 21:5 We are to pursue meekness 1 Timothy 6:11 Not natural for us Wives are to adorn themselves with a meek & quiet spirit Submissive—1 Peter 3:1, 2:18 Tranquil—1 Timothy 2:2 “peaceable”
For They Shall Inherit the Earth “Earth” is the word for “land” Spiritual character will receive spiritual reward Composite character & composite reward
The Beatitudes—Matt. 5:3-12 Poor in spirit…theirs is kingdom of heaven Mourn…shall be comforted – Meek…shall inherit the land Hunger &thirst for right…shall be filled Merciful…shall obtain mercy Psalm 85:10 – Pure in heart…shall see God Peacemakers…shall be called children of God Persecuted…theirs is kingdom of heaven
For They Shall Inherit the Earth “Earth” is the word for “land” Spiritual character will receive spiritual reward Composite character & composite reward
For They Shall Inherit the Earth “Earth” is the word for “land” Spiritual character will receive spiritual reward Composite character & composite reward Our hope is not eternity on earth 2 Peter 3:11
For They Shall Inherit the Earth “Earth” is the word for “land” Spiritual character will receive spiritual reward Composite character & composite reward Our hope is not eternity on earth 2 Peter 3:11 Our hope is in heaven 1 Peter 1:4
For They Shall Inherit the Earth “Earth” is the word for “land” Spiritual character will receive spiritual reward Composite character & composite reward Our hope is not eternity on earth 2 Peter 3:11 Our hope is in heaven 1 Peter 1:4 One hope Ephesians 4:4
For They Shall Inherit the Earth “Earth” is the word for “land” Spiritual character will receive spiritual reward Composite character & composite reward Our hope is not eternity on earth 2 Peter 3:11 Our hope is in heaven 1 Peter 1:4 One hope Ephesians 4:4 Is it your hope?
For They Shall Inherit the Earth “Earth” is the word for “land” Spiritual character will receive spiritual reward Composite character & composite reward Our hope is not eternity on earth 2 Peter 3:11 Our hope is in heaven 1 Peter 1:4 One hope Ephesians 4:4 Is it your hope? What will you have after you die?