Edcursec 638 Business Studies Maori Business and the Maori Concepts
Acknowledgements Much of the information in this presentation was derived from presentation by Nick Kearns of Unitec, which was … … derived from lecture delivered by Josie Keleen, Dean Teaching and Learning, Matauranga Maori Administration AD Unitec Definition of concepts from TKI Maori BusinessTKI Maori Business Business logos from their websites Maori Images from Maori.org.nz
Firstly … Why the focus on Maori Business? Why is this a separate/special/distinct focal point today, here and now, or at all? Your thoughts?
Significance of Maori economy Vehicle for Waitangi principle that requires schools to “be aware of, and responsive to, Maori values, tikanga (customs) and kawa (protocol) Relevance/engagement of (all) students – plenty of scope for case studies Context for Maori concepts
Part A Māori Business in Aotearoa : New Zealand
List as many “Maori businesses” as you can think of.
Your list might have included some of the following
Māori Business in Aotearoa : New Zealand What and where? NZ$ 35 billion in Maori controlled businesses 75% primary sector (farm, fishing, forestry) Significant property holders, for example, Ngati Whatua Orakei $500m of Auckland CBD Significant export earners (commodities, tourism) SME involved in professional services, tourism … a broad range of industries.
Features that identify a Māori Business as being Māori are flexible and may be: o Māori ownership, partnership, joint ventures with other Māori businesses o Organisational culture reflecting Māori values o Using Māori values in business practices, branding, and marketing
Māori shareholding 2 degrees (20%) 2degrees Shotover Jet (100%) Shotover Jet
Maori ownership, partnership, or joint ventures with other Maori businesses Koru Cabs Whale Watch Kaikoura Whale Watch
Organisational culture reflecting Maori values Tainui Group Holdings Tainui Group Having (largely) Maori staff Kiwa Media
Using Maori values in business practices, branding and marketing Tohu Wines Kaitiati Adventures
Issues for Māori (& Pakeha) Business Interests Collective ownership of Maori Assets - cannot use as security for loans, or sell easily) Intellectual property (taonga) ownership – branding and marketing imagery/knowledge Treaty of Waitangi claims – many Maori businesses have been based on the assets gained from successful claims to the Waitangi tribunal
Characteristics Maori Business Focus on primary industries - farming, forestry, viticulture, agriculture Growing profile in secondary, tertiary sectors Focus on producing financial benefits for whanau, hapu, iwi, region and New Zealand Primarily community-owned assets, difficult to sell, use as collateral for investment or loans 'multiple bottom line ‘social, cultural, environmental, spiritual, economic goals.
Key Issues to think about Property rights Pakeha view - based on ownership and exclusive use Maori view - based on customary use and inclusive use Profit motive Pakeha view – companies required to maximise shareholder return Maori view - multiple bottom line Risk profile Pakeha view - risk commensurate with returns and leveraging of assets Maori view – risk averse due to intergenerational focus.
Useful background reading Maori Values in the Maori Business Approach Aan interim report investgating the incorporation of tikanga in Maori businesses and organisations By G Harmsworth for Mana Taiao Limited, 2006 This document has been filed on the secondarysocialsciences wikispace secondarysocialsciences wikispace
Part B Māori Concepts from Business Studies curriculum
Kaitiakitanga Guardianship – particularly in relation to natural resources such as land, sea and waterways; also flora and fauna, including people, that comprise elements of the natural environment. Kaitiakitanga requries that sustainability and environmental protection is valued. As kaitiaki or guardians, the owners or trustees of an enterprise are responsible for protecting (and/or growing) resources for future generations, not just for short- term or individual profit.
Kaitiakitanga is expressed in Strong and conservative governance Emphasis on wealth protection as well as wealth creation Recognition of intergenerational responsibilities
Putake Every business has a reason for being. Many Maori businesses exist for the same reason as other businesses, that is, for profit and to enrich the business owner/s. A significant number, however, have very different reasons for being – reasons that are associated with collectively-owned resources, such as land and tribal estates, and/or for their community and whakapapa-based groupings (whanau, hapu and iwi). While such enterprises may look for profit so as to be self- sustaining, social or cultural goals are central to their existence.
Putake is expressed in The value of holding, managing and developing Maori resources such as people land and water The ‘multiple bottom line’ of social, cultural, environmental, and economic goals Cultural expression and maintenance of culture, language and arts
Rangitiratanga This is the exercise of leadership, authority, guardianship and ownership rights, with a particular focus on resource production, utilisation and management for current and future requirements. This includes strategic development and oversight, relationship development and maintenance, problem-solving, conflict resolution and peace-making, adaptation, risk analysis and management.
Rangitiratanga is about Leadership Mana Respect and Empowerment
Tikanga Tikanga is the values, guidelines, rules, priorities and ways of doing business that guide the business. Many Maori businesses operate by a set of values that sets them apart from other businesses, particularly businesses that operate solely to produce a profit for the owners/shareholders. They measure success against multiple outcomes, such as financial outcomes. They have multiple responsibilities and levels of accountability to current and future generations, wide whanau, hapu or iwi groups – and to represent Maori well.
Many values inform business practice in Maori business, such as: Kotahitanga – Maori unity, shared sense of belonging Whanaungatanga – an ethic of belonging and kinship Wairuatanga - spirituality Manaakitanga – hospitality, generosity, care and giving
Turanga This is the foundation or position on which the venture is based. In setting up and selecting the type of legal structure for an organisation, it is important to clearly know the intended purpose of that structure. For example, if Maori land is the core asset, because this land will never be sold for either legal or tikanga reasons, the organisation will not be able to make trading decisions following usual commercial models. This can make running a Maori organisation particularly challenging.
Turanga encompasses: The intended purpose of the enterprise Legal structures appropriate to manage collectively owned assets Recognition that some assets are taonga Specific legislation, such as Maori Reserved Lands Act 1997 and Maori Fisheries Act 2004