Men (in general) Macro-orientedConquer-orientedProblem-solving-oriented Suppresses emotion except anger anger Aroused visually
Women (in general) Micro-orientedCommunity-orientedProcess-oriented More easily expresses emotion Aroused by the relationship
Traditional Masculine Qualities AggressiveBraveDecisiveStubbornLogical Black or white thinker Preoccupied with objects….cars, stereos, gadgets, etc.
Traditional Feminine Qualities TolerantEmpatheticFlexibleNurturing Thinks in shades of gray (can hate and love their spouse at same time) Prefers to process issues as opposed to seeking quick solutions Preoccupied with relationships
Disturbing Statistics on Men Suicide for boys is 6 times higher than that of girls to age 24. It is 1,350 times higher after age 85. Men die 7 years earlier than women; it was only 1 year earlier in Men are twice as likely as women to be victims of violent crimes and 3 times more likely to be victims of murder. A husband whose wife dies is about 10 times more likely to commit suicide than a wife who husband dies.
Disturbing Statistics on Women Women get stuck with being a single parent with no support from the father. Women often live in fear of being mugged, raped, or killed by men. Women get paid less for equal work. Women may work as many hours as the husband but often do more chores and spend more time with the kids.
Stereotype or Reality? A woman worries about the future until she gets married. A man never worries about the future until he gets a wife. A successful man is one who makes more money than his wife can spend. A successful woman is one who can find such a man.
Stereotype or Reality? A woman marries a man expecting he will change, but he doesn’t. A man marries a woman expecting that she won’t change, and she does.
Worth A man’s worth: He’s taught, it’s what you do for work that defines you. Women’s Worth: She’s taught, it’s what you do for others that defines you.
Gripes Men’s Gripes Women recount and rehash old upsetting conversations with others. Women don’t want to have sex often enough. Women bitch and moan and can’t let go of past hurts. Women’s Gripes Men don’t do things until they absolutely need to be done. Men are lazy around the house and don’t help enough with the kids. Men don’t show their appreciation and are too selfish.
Pressures Pressures Men’s Pressures To be the breadwinner Women’s Pressures To be a supermom; to work and take care of the kids.