Inquiry Learning Definition of inquiry What are the components of inquiry Model of inquiry Inquiry and the new curriculum ICT and inquiry learning
Wisdom begins in wonder Socrates believed that knowledge was vital and could only survive in a dynamic environment of human inquiry. The legacy of Socrates would be continued by Plato who set up the Academy in 387 B.C. in order to continue the Socratic method of inquiry. Wisdom begins in wonder
John Dewey said: “Knowledge," in the sense of information, means the working capital, the indispensable resources, of [for] further inquiry; of finding out, or learning, more things. Frequently it is treated as an end in itself, and then the goal becomes to heap it up and display it when called for.” “We only think when we are confronted with problems.”
Inquiry Learning is....... The investigation into an idea, question, problem or issue. It involves gathering information, building knowledge and developing deep understanding. Inquiry-based learning encompasses the processes of posing problems, gathering information, thinking creatively about possibilities, making decisions and justifying conclusions.
Elements of inquiry Student ownership of the learning and clear purpose Authentic contexts, meaningful learning An investigation into a question, problem, issue or idea Students construct meaning Scaffolding to support learning Teacher as a guide or facilitator Knowledge creation Action as a result of the inquiry s
What does an inquiry classroom look like, feel like and sound like? Change your pair/three group Y - Chart What does it look like? What does it sound like? What does it feel like?
Inquiry Learning Models The Big 6, (Eisenberg & Berkowitz, 2000) Research Cycle (McKenzie) Action Learning ( Gwen Gawith, 1983) Sauce (Trevor Bond) Lane Clarke’s Model 3 Doors (Gwen Gawith) Individual Schools
The common stages of inquiry models The Big Idea This is the broad concept /big idea/umbrella that will start the students thinking. It provides direction within a particular curriculum area, but with a wide focus. It provides the context for new learning Purpose: To engage students in the topic To gauge student interest and attitudes
Tuning In/Ignite/Knowledge Attack Purpose: To find out what students believe (understandings/misconceptions). To provide opportunities for students to share what they already know and believe To introduce/clarify language/key words To identify gaps in their knowledge To assist with teacher planning of the unit.
Strategies employed Questioning You tube Representing ideas visually Concept mapping Brainstorming Drawing, making diagrams Listing questions - Listing statements Class and small group discussions - Estimating Sharing ideas with others DVD’s Flickr Hypothesising/Predicting Oganising EOTC Listening Planning research
Questioning Creating the essential question: This question should require the students to go beyond obtaining and retelling factual information... It should require students to reflect on a position, make predictions, investigate, discuss and debate their findings. Eg: ‘How can we prevent building the rubbish mountain?’
Subsidiary Questions Question rubrics 7 servants Question starters What do you need to know in order to answer the essential question? The look-up-able questions Question rubrics 7 servants Question starters Blooms
Discovery/Research Think Communicate Co-operate Research Sort Sift Purpose: To take students beyond what they already know and challenge their ideas, beliefs and values To provide authentic opportunities for students to: Think Communicate Co-operate Research Sort Sift Oganise Record Analyse Synthesize
Strategies Employed Watching videos - observing/interpreting Interviewing guest speakers - questioning Surveying - Note taking Reading material - locating/selecting relevant material Observing real events - Listening, viewing Classifying key words, pictures etc - Oganising, classifying Thinking tools: 6 hats, Blooms, Graphic Organisers, Thinking Maps - Challenging, thinking critically, exchanging ideas with others
Communicate Explaining Reporting Persuading Powerpoint Keynote Presenting our answers to the essential question or completing our task. Sharing our understandings from what we have found out Explaining Reporting Persuading Powerpoint Keynote Movie maker Brochures Kid Pix Podcasting Animation Photo story
Act Taking action, to improve the lives of others in our world, improving the world or sharing information. This is where students have an opportunity to apply their knowledge in an authentic context. Taking recommendations to BOT/local council Raising money Mini campaigns in the local community Change own behaviour to influence others Writing letters Contacting relevant organisations
Assess Peer Assessment Self assessment Conferencing Student and Teacher Assessment Evaluation of effectiveness in answering questions. Evaluation of inquiry skills Evaluation of depth of knowledge through new learning Teacher Assessment Key Competencies Peer Assessment Self assessment Conferencing
Improved outcomes Higher order thinking Lifelong learning Information literacy skills Problem solving Critical thinking Depth of understanding
Inquiry and the new curriculum Vision - Confident, connected, actively involved life long learners. Principles - Learning to learn, community engagement, coherence and future focus Values - Community and participation, Ecological sustainability, Integrity, Innovation, inquiry and curiosity Key Competencies- Thinking, Using language symbols and texts, Managing Self, Relating to others, Participating & Contributing Effective Pedagogy - Creating a supportive learning environment, Encouraging reflective thought and action, Enhancing the relevance of new learning, Making connections to prior learning and Providing sufficient opportunities to learn. Integrated curriculum Future Focus - Sustainability, Citizenship, Enterprise and Globalisation
Ict & Inquiry Learning Bringing in and recording ideas and information Sorting and linking ideas Communication tool Home - school partnership