What are some instructional strategies that support inquiry?
During inquiry lessons, what are some ways to tell when your students are “Getting to Got It!”?
Stand for the Truth Sit for a Lie We are at Crossroads Middle School today.
Stand for the Truth Sit for a Lie Crossroads Middle School serves students in grades 6 – 8.
Stand for the Truth Sit for a Lie If students ask no questions, you can infer all students are understanding the lesson.
Stand for the Truth Sit for a Lie Student responses to open ended probing questions that are related to the lesson gives insight into their understanding.
Stand for the Truth Sit for a Lie During an inquiry lesson, student written claim statements reveal student understanding when the statements are supported by the opinions of 3 fellow classmates.
Stand for the Truth Sit for a Lie Their grades on summative assessments will reveal student understanding during inquiry.
Stand for the Truth Sit for a Lie Evidence gained from formative assessment that is embedded throughout the learning cycle is the best way to determine student learning during inquiry.
What is Formative Assessment? I Think We Think The Research Says…
Formative Assessment Planned Process Ongoing Promotes Learning
Teachers use to: Check for understanding Determine next steps Students use to: Self monitor progress Teachers use to: Check for understanding Determine next steps Students use to: Self monitor progress Formative Assessment
Connection: Formative Assessment, Inquiry, a Learning Cycle
Focus Engages and clarifies the ideas that learners have about the topic Assessment Link How will I determine students’ preconceptions and prior knowledge? FocusExploreReflectApply
Explore Enables learners to engage in hands- on explorations of the concept to be investigated Assessment Link In what ways will I be able to detect how my students are interacting with the content? What tools will I use to collect evidence of changes in their understanding? Focus Explore Reflect Apply
Reflect Encourages learners to discuss their observations, reconcile their ideas and assess new learning Assessment Link What opportunities will I provide for my students to reflect and self-assess? How will I use the student reflections and self- assessments? Focus ExploreReflectApply
Helps learners apply their new ideas in new situations Assessment Link What are some ways I will determine my students’ ability to apply concepts and skills in new contexts? FocusExploreReflectApply
Partners Pair - Pairs Square Find a Partner Read and dialogue about “Focus” phase Each share one formative assessment idea for “Focus” phase Record each other’s ideas Continue until all phases are complete Square with another pair and share strategies
C3C3 Connection to prior learning Commitment to application Concern that you will research and resolve