Nathaniel Salazar Massachusetts Institute of Technology Mentor: Thomas Meyer Internship Site: MHPCC
Presentation Outline 3 Dimensions: What and Why Google Earth: 3D in application Tech Park in 3D Java3D: example of the programming behind the models Java3D test program Java3D applications Acknowledgements
Modeling, Animation, Rendering More Dynamic Visualization BusinessPresentations Data modeling Entertainment Video gaming, Film, etc. Training Simulations
Google Maps -> Google Earth 3D buildings Terrain User interaction Image taken from:
Presentation Outline 3 Dimensions: What and Why Google Earth: 3D in application Tech Park in 3D Java3D: example of the programming behind the models Java3D test program Java3D applications Acknowledgements
Java3D: Uses Animation Graphics/Gaming User Interaction Applets, applications All perspective view of object
Project Goal Write an applet that will… Load an object Apply texture Set up an interactive viewer Research Structure and Syntax
Java3D Parent-Child (Leaf Node) relationship structure Same Java syntax Core and Utility Classes Scene Graph of Overall Structure:
General Program Structure Image taken from: Java3D tutorial Chpt. 1. Courtesy of
Scene Graph Simple Universe Locale Branch Group (objRoot) TransformGroup (objTransform) BranchGroup Shape3D (loaded object) Appearance (Load Textures) MouseRotateMouseZoomMouseTranslated
Code Classes Shape3D newObj() Load ObjectFile Convert Object to Shape3D set Appearance to Shape3D object Appearance createAppearance() TexCoordGeneration Class Obtain coordinate pointes that create surfaces Load texture image and apply to surfaces BranchGroup createSceneGroup()
Air Force Research Lab/MHPCC Visualize aircraft simulations Computational Fluid Dynamic Simulations Analyze airflow and turbulence Design better aircrafts
Acknowledgements and Thanks Akamai Internship Program Center for Adaptive Optics National Science Foundation Science and Technology Center grant (#AST ) Akamai Workforce Initiative National Science Foundation Air Force Office of Scientific Research (#AST ) University of Hawaii Maui High Performance Computing Center Interns, Faculty, Mentors