Senior Project Leader - Alaska National Renewable Energy Laboratory Energy Systems Integration Facilities at NREL Brian Hirsch, Ph.D. Senior Project Leader - Alaska National Renewable Energy Laboratory Alaska Energy Storage Workshop Anchorage, AK June 20, 2012
Why Energy Systems Integration? Current Energy Systems Future Energy Systems Reducing investment risk and optimizing systems in a rapidly changing energy world New energy technologies and services Increasing penetration of variable RE in grid New communications and control models Electrification of transportation Integrating energy storage Increasing system flexibility Understanding interactions between electricity/thermal/fuels
ESIF System Integration Capabilities Energy System Research and Development Across Technologies Solar and Wind Grid Planning and Operations Energy Storage Buildings Advanced Fuels Advanced Vehicles CSP Thermal Storage Utility scale batteries Distributed storage. Sensors and controls Design and integration Modeling and simulation System integration H2/electric interfaces RE electrolyzers Storage systems Standards Fuel cell integration Fueling systems Plug-in-hybrids and vehicle-to-grid Battery thermal management Power electronics RE integration Power electronics Building integration Thermal and PV system optimization Transmission and Distribution Systems Smart Grid Technologies Microgrids Standards Full systems interface evaluation for integration of electricity, fuels, thermal, storage, and end-use technologies
NREL’s Energy Systems Integration Facilities Energy Systems Integration Facility (ESIF) Distributed Energy Resources Test Facility (DERTF) NWTC – Grid Integration Testing Thermal Test Facility (TTF) Vehicle Test and Integration Facility (VTIF) TTF
NREL’s Energy Systems Integration Facility (ESIF) NREL’s largest R&D facility (182,500 ft2) Substantial completion by the end of 2012 Space for 200 NREL staff and research partners Focus of the ESIF is to conduct R&D of integrated energy systems (Electricity, Fuels, Transportation, and Buildings & Campus systems) Addressing the challenges of large-scale integration of clean energy technologies into the energy systems infrastructure
Current Status and Construction Targets January 6 - Completed all steel work January 20 – 50% completed – on budget (total $135M) April 2012 – complete all exterior work October 2012 – substantial completion November 2012 – commissioning January 2013 – move-in
ESIF’s Unique Advanced Capabilities Petascale HPC and data management system in showcase energy efficient data center. HPC Virtual utility operations center and visualization rooms. Interconnectivity to external field sites for data feeds and model validation.
ESIF - Energy System Simulated Operations A Flight Simulator for Energy System Operators Operations techniques development for: New systems configurations Utility or fuel supply curtailments High renewables penetrations Extreme weather events High storage penetrations High demand response deployment Resource forecast integration
ESIF Laboratories Electrical Systems Laboratories Power Systems Integration Smart Power Energy Storage Electrical Characterization Energy Systems Integration Thermal Systems Laboratories Thermal Storage Process and Components Thermal Storage Materials Optical Characterization Fuel Systems Laboratories Energy Systems Fabrication Manufacturing Materials Characterization Electrochemical Characterization Energy Systems Sensor Fuel Cell Development & Test Energy Systems High Pressure Test High Performance Computing, Data Analysis, and Visualization ESIF Control Room Energy Integration Visualization Secure Data Center High Performance Computing Data Center Insight Center Visualization Insight Center Collaboration ESIF Laboratories
ESIF – Power Systems Integration Lab Major Laboratory Equipment Hardware-in-the-Loop Simulator (Opal-RT) Grid simulator (4x270kW, 690Vac, 400Vdc, DC-800Hz) AC load banks (4x250kW, Wye, 50W load step) Bidirectional DC supplies (2x250kW, 0-900V) SCADA Data Collection and Control System PV Simulator (multi-module, 0-1000V or +/-500V) Line length impedance simulator (480V, 1200A) Research Chiller/Boiler (750 MBH boiler, 60ton chiller) Lab Functions Main test lab for conducting electrical system integration activities. Research will include exploring a variety of operating configurations including: grid connected stand-alone, microgrids, and hybrid power systems. House infrastructure for DG research (electricity, thermal, and fuels)
Energy Systems Integration – Large-scale A New Unique Testing Capability NWTC Grid Integration Capabilities will allow testing of many grid integration aspects for multi-MW utility-scale variable renewable generation and storage technologies.
TTF - Labs Automated Home Energy Management Laboratory Fully instrumented electrical system, from smart meter to every plug, light, and hardwired component 3.2 kW photovoltaic (PV) array Complete suite of residential appliances and end use loads High frequency spectrum analyzer to study electrical noise Multiple communication protocols are supported Linked to ESIF Energy Storage Laboratory The world’s most accurate battery calorimeters Five environmental chambers and isothermal baths to perform accelerated lifetime and duty cycle testing across a wide thermal range Thermal imaging to inspect for hot spots in cells and battery packages during charge and discharge cycles Bitrode cyclers for battery and ultracapacitor pack cycling
Vehicle Testing and Integration Facility (VTIF)
VTIF Capabilities 2 AC and 2 DC bus lines with configurable component connections 2 fast charge system connections (1 indoor/1 outdoor) 8 level II charge stations (includes wireless, high power for MD/HD vehicles, multi-headed, …) 20kW of PV as fuel station canopy (dual axis tracking) 30kWh, 30kW energy storage Able to configure as microgrid Commercial partners on Smart Grid controls system 24 expansion ports for new components Power supplies to emulate wind, solar, vehicle, or storage
NREL’s Energy Systems Integration Facilities NWTC – 2MW+ NREL ESI - A unique national asset for energy systems integration R&D, testing, and analysis at various scales ESIF 1kW-2MW DERTF 1kW-200kW TTF TTF VTIF
For More information on NREL Energy Systems Integration facilities Energy Systems Integration Facility (ESIF) Ben Kroposki, Director of ESIF: Distributed Energy Resources Test Facility (DERTF) NWTC – Grid Integration Testing Thermal Test Facility (TTF) Vehicle Test and Integration Facility (VTIF)