1 Energy Innovation: Powering a Better Future Working Together to Make the Difference Against Diesel 5 June, 2015
2 Making the Difference Against Diesel in Europe Natural gas has a host of benefits vs diesel:But we have to address certain issues: Cheaper- Many customers don’t know or believe it Cleaner- Fugitive methane is a potential issue Security of supply- Diesel is omnipresent What do we need to promote use of LNG as a transportation fuel in Europe, and to displace diesel? InfrastructureOEMsOperators Policy support
3 China 200,000 new NGVs added every year 60+ OEM NGVs now available, with choice in every category and for all applications ENN is China’s largest privately owned energy distribution company, with LNG demand from trucking, shipping, I&C, etc. ENN is the market leader, with 600 natural gas refuelling stations ‘Commoditised’ production of all relevant equipment North America 150,000+ NGVs ENN has 30 stations operational Supply backed up by mature LNG production projects in key locations Rail, marine, industry projects Flexible station deployment, ranging from mobile ‘terminal’ stations to larger stations Financing options for trucks; own offering (with financing) for LNG vehicle storage tanks ENN’s Main Markets for NGV Refuelling
Pooling Demand to Make ‘Chicken & Egg’ Irrelevant How many trucks, and where? Know where the customers are, and where they go Work closely with customers to understand their needs, and offer the correct solutions Work with competitors to make a complimentary network Make it easy for customers to fill Work with industry bodies to make relevant information public DATA IS THE GLUE THAT MAKES THIS STICK TOGETHER LNG Developing the European Market 4
5 Current LNG fuelling projects often too large and over-engineered Under utilisation causes problems with “warm” LNG and high pressure: affects customer fuelling experience Need “entry-level” stations with lower overall throughput that don’t require base customer (e.g. a few passing trucks from multiple fleets running past location with support from ENN containerised system) Solution: Development of modular, scalable station solutions: e.g. ‘Plug-and-play’ solution below: Daventry, UK Cost: €4.4 Million Antwerp, Belgium Cost: €1M+ Piacenza, Italy Cost: €1.5M+ Modular and Scalable Station Solutions for Europe Wellingborough, UK Capacity: 40 trucks Cost: <€400,000
6 The Finished Article! Modular and Scalable Station Solutions for Europe
7 24/7 ‘Network Operations Centre’, connected to stations with live CCTV feed Tailoring services to local customers is crucial. Examples of services provided at request of customers in Europe include: Client area on ENN’s website: customers can access operational and safety documentation, view live CCTV feed of facility, access billing data, etc. Remote monitoring and operation of station facilities through online system Financing for extra LNG storage tanks Added Value Services for Europe
8 The diesel refuelling market has a mature set of services for presenting data to customers Natural gas has to at least match diesel’s services, if not exceed them Natural gas must also deal with potential issues that diesel does not face This provides opportunities for innovation Innovation is supported by programmes like Connecting Europe Facility (TEN-T) Once data has been collected, it needs to be presented and disseminated through initiatives like TEN-T, and organisations like NGVA Europe. Borderless billing Intelligent logistics Tie-in with telematics The Difference of Data: European Case Studies
Optimisation of supply and demand Marine supply Off-grid industrial Collaboration between developers Alternative infrastructure (e.g. AD plants) Vehicle refuelling Collaboration is required locally, to make a network of supply and demand across Europe… …and also between Europe and the rest of the world: Work with shippers; make use of synergies at a global level Changing international market, including new LNG projects coming onstream, will affect supply & pricing Optimisation of Supply and Demand 9
10 Use existing Sea-Road-Rail infrastructure Makes previously unviable projects viable Lower distribution costs ENN’s role: Funding of facilities & system operator Intermodality: LNG as a Prime Mover Fuel
11 Fixed and co-located stations make natural gas part of the mainstream refuelling infrastructure Modular stations enable rapid & flexible deployment of infrastructure “A day will come when all nations on our continent will form a European brotherhood...” Victor Hugo, 1849 Policy helps with roll-out of network Pricing for diesel vs natural gas in energy equivalent units will enable direct comparison Need harmonisation of regulations across Europe Towards a Pan-European Network
12 Daniel Lambert Business Development Manager ENN European Transportation Fuels Thank you!