Capacity-building Development and transfer of technologies Education, training and public awareness Lando Velasco UNFCCC “UNFCCC Workshop on the preparation of national communications from Parties not included In Annex I to the Convention” Mandarin Hotel Manila, Philippines April 2004
Presentation outline Decision 2/CP.7 Article 4.5 Article 6 Capacity-building Technology transfer Educ./Training/Awareness
Capacity-building Education/training/ public awareness Technology transfer Cross-cutting issues…
Discussions and work are based… Framework for capacity-building in developing countries (non-Annex I) Framework for meaningful and effectiveness actions to enhance the implementation of Article 4.5 of the Convention on frameworks and work programmes New Delhi work programme on Article 6
Capacity-building framework… Scope of needs and priorities… (Almost) everything related to climate change
Institutional strengthening Enhancement and/or creation of an enabling environment; National communications; National climate change programmes; Ghg inventories, emission database management; Vulnerability and adaptation assessment; Capacity building for implementation of adaptation measures; Assessment for implementation of mitigation options; Research and systematic observation; Development and transfer of technology; Improved decision-making… Clean development mechanism; Needs arising out of Article 4.8 and 4.9; Education, training and public awareness; Information and networking, including the establishment of databases. Capacity-building scope of needs
Updates… Complete comprehensive review by COP 10 National capacity self assessments Capacity-building indicators GEF strategic approach to implement CB
Technology transfer framework… Technology and technology needs assessments Technology information Enabling environments Capacity-building Mechanisms for technology transfer
Updates… EGTT work programme approved at COP 9 Prepared technical papers on capacity-building and enabling environments 80 countries are involved in technical needs assessments Innovative financing Work on adaptation technologies Discuss results of survey of effectiveness of TT:CLEAR
New Delhi work programme on Article 6… International cooperation Education Training Public awareness, public participation and public access to information
Updates… New Delhi work programme is up and running Organization of regional workshops (Europe and Africa completed. Asia and Latin America and Caribbean to follow) Parties develop further work relating to information clearing house Mid-term review at COP10 Other agencies taking initiative on Art. 6
Conclusions Country-driven, stakeholder involvement, etc. Consider synergy and inter-linkages with other agenda Activity-based vs. results-based (Lessons-learned, gaps, approaches, etc.)
Thank you for your attention and may the force be with you