Diagnostic Medial Sonographer & Vet Tech Courtney Barton Contempt English 1 st hour
Description Diagnostic Medical Sonographer A Diagnostic Medical Sonographer is someone that is considered a young diagnostic technology Vet Tech A Vet Tech is someone that is a person who is willing to take the career of helping animals that are in the of help.
Duties Diagnostic Medical Sonographer Obtain and record accurate patients history Know how to Perform diagnostic procedures and diagnostic images Analyzing technical information Providing an oral or written summary of the technical findings to the physician for medical diagnosis Vet Tech Collect blood, stool urine or tissue samples for testing of animals Perform laboratory tests, such as urinalysis, heartworm inspections, feline leukemia tests and blood counts Take and develop x-rays
Working Conditions Diagnostic Medical Sonographer Work full time Evenings weekends and overnight as well. Being on their feet for long periods of time and at least need to lift patients who are not able to move Vet Tech Helping sick and injured animals all day physically and mentally Work long hours evenings and weekends Risks of bites scratches
Training Qualifications Advancement Opportunities Diagnostic Medical Sonographer Training in hospitals, universities or colleges. Education level of having an Associates Degree Take classes like physiology and anatomy Vet Tech Work where ever like private practices, research labs, and or hospitals Education of 2 yr Associates and or 4yr Bachelors
Earnings Diagnostic Medical Sonographer U.S Bureau of Labor Statistics in 2012 there is annual median salary of $ 65,860 Vet Tech In the United States of 2012 the average annual median salary of $28,920 or $13.90 per hour.
College, University, Vocational School, Academy “perfect choice” school for each career? Diagnostic Medical Sonographer Baker College Vet Tech Purdue University
DIAGNOSTIC MEDICAL SONOGRAPHER VET TECH Education level of having an Associates Degree of Science 2 year associates degree or a 4 year bachelor degree
Cost for degree/training at “perfect choice” Diagnostic Medical Sonograper $11,492 for the whole program Vet Tech $30,000-$40,000 for a 2 year program for associate
SIMILARITIES OF THE TWO CAREERS Diagnostic Medical Sonographer and Vet Tech are similar by: They both are in the Medical Field They both use computers to view situations that they have with what they are doing.
Differences of the two careers Diagnostic Medical Sonographer and Vet Tech are different by: Diagnostic Medical Sonographers use ultrasounds on people. While Vet Techs use instruments of ultrasounds on animals. Vet tech involving dealing with animals
What career do you prefer and WHY? I prefer doing the Diagnostic Medical Sonographer, because it is what I’m really interested in and the jobs that are out there have gone up by 44% of people who work for being a Sonographer.
Work Cited (3 sources)