Claude Monet (1840 – 1926) Painter
Oscar Claude Monet Claude Monet was born on November 14, 1840 in Paris, France. When he was 5, his family moved to le Havre in Normandy (france). His family wanted him to go into the family grocery business, but he knew he wanted to be an artist. In 1851, he entered art school. He was known locally for his charcoal caricatures, which he sold for 10 to 20 francs.
On the Bank of the Seine, Bennecourt (1868) In Normandy, he met artist Eugene Boudin, who taught him to use oil paints and to paint “en plein air” (outdoors). When Monet visited the Louvre in Paris, he saw other art students copying the paintings of the masters. Monet sat at the window and painted what he saw outside. His painting Camille (or woman in the green dress) brought him recognition. It was the first of many paintings of the woman who would become his wife. On the Bank of the Seine, Bennecourt (1868) (the woman is Camille)
While France was at war, Monet traveled to England and Holland, learning some techniques that he would use when he returned to France and began painting landscapes. When a critic saw his painting “Impression, sunrise”, he coined the term “Impressionism” to describe the popular trend of painting. The critic meant it as an insult, but the painters liked it and adopted the name for their style. Impression, Sunrise (1872)
The Artist’s House at Argenteuil (1873)
Woman with a Parasol (1875) (the artist’s wife and son)
Monet painted several “series” including haystacks and water lilies. Soon after their second son was born, Camille died. Monet remarried and moved to a house in Giverny, France. The land had a barn, which he used as an art studio, orchards & a small garden. He expanded the garden & added a greenhouse and a second studio with skylights. He spent much of the rest of his life painting in and around his property in Giverny. Haystacks, sunset (1890-91) Monet painted several “series” including haystacks and water lilies.
The artist in front of the actual bridge (1917) Bridge over a pond of water lilies (1899)
Monet liked to paint “controlled nature” Monet liked to paint “controlled nature”. He invested much time and money into his property and gardens, creating specific scenes for himself to paint over and over again. As he became more successful, he hired a crew of seven gardeners. The Garden in Flower (1900)
Water Lilies (1906)
Water Lilies (1920-26)
During World War I, Monet painted a series of Weeping Willow trees as a tribute to the French soldiers who had fallen at battle. Weeping Willow (1918-19)
Monet’s second wife died in 1911, and his older son, Jean, died in 1914. Monet developed cataracts, which are a film that forms over the eye, making it hard to see clearly. He would have surgery twice to try to clear his vision. Claude Monet died on December 5, 1926 at the age of 86. He is buried in Giverny. He left his home, garden and waterlily pond to his only surviving son, Michel, who in turn left them to the French Academy of Fine Arts. Today, the house and gardens are open to the public.
In may 2008, {Le Pont de chemin de fer á Argenteuil” (1873) sold for $41.4 million. In June of 2008, “Nympheas – water lilies” sold for almost $72 million