daVinci,Raphael,Michelangelo,Titian,Botticelli, Wveth,Seurat,Renoir,Rembrandt,Goya,Waterhus, Monet,Gaugin,Miro,Millais, Rubens, Cezanne, Degas,Hicks,Beard,Klimt,Gogh,O’keeffe,Hopper, Hokusai,Magritte Music: G.Sviridov.. Waltz.
The Last Supper Leonardo da Vinci
The School of Athens Raphael
Pieta Michelangelo
The Venus of Urbino Titian
La Primavera Sandro Botticelli
The Birth of Venus Sandro Botticelli
The Madonna of the magnificat detail Sandro Botticelli
Christina's World Andew Wveth
Sunday Afternoon on the Island ofl a Grande Jatte Georges Seurat
The Oarsmens Breakfast Pierre-Auguste Renoir
Dancing at the moulin De La Galette Pierro-Auguste Renoir
The anatomy Lesson of Dr.Nicolaes Remrandt
Execution of the Defenders of Madrid Goya
The Lady of Shalott Waterhouse
Poppies Claude Monet
Tahitian Landscape 1891 Paul Gauguin
Village in Tahiti Paul Gauguin
The Bathers 1898 Paul Gauguin
San Giorgio Maggiore at Twilight Claude Monet
Deux Soeurs Pierre-Auguste Renoir
Catalan Landscape Joan Miro
Ophelia John Everett Millais
Four Negro Heads Peter Paul Rubens
Dans la Vallee de L’oise Paul Cezanne
Boating on the Seine Pierre-Auguste Renoir
Racehorses in a Landscape Edgar Degas
Master Bedroom Andrew Wveth
Peaceable Kingdom Edwart Hicks
Dancing Bears W.H Beard
The Tree of Life-Stoclet Friezeof Life Gustav Klimt
Irises Vincent van Gogh
Jardin De Monet Claude Monet
Nympheas Claude Monet
The Starry Night Vincent van Gogh
Starry Night over the Rhone Vincent van Gogh
Venice Palazza Da Mula Claude Monet
Pedernal 1942 Georgia O’Keeffe
Cape Cod Evening Edwart Hopper
Gas 1940 Edwart Hopper
Lighthouse at Two Lights Edwart Hopper
The Great Wave at Kanagawa Hokusai
Le chef-d’doeuvre Rene Magritte