Master of Arts in English At La Sierra University
What is the MA in English degree? What it isn’t: It isn’t about grammar. (Well, maybe a little.) It isn’t about English as (a Second) Language. What it is: It is about strong writing. It is about tenacious research. It is about convincing argumentation. It is about analysis. It is about critical thinking. It is about reading.
General Description “A generalist degree in English and American literature” “A generalist degree in English and American literature” 12 Courses – 48 units 2 courses / quarter – 6 quarters 6 courses at 600 level Language Requirement End-of-program Comprehensive Exam (over English-language literature)
Basic Course Requirements ALL M.A. in English students take: Literary Research Methods Biblical Literature OR Religion and Literature Graduate Level Writing [Composition Theory] (Required of CWIs)
Additional Course Requirements Advanced Grammar / Style or Language / Linguistics Literary Genre (1) Literary Criticism (2) English Literature (2) American Literature (2) Chaucer or Shakespeare or Milton (1) Major Author (1) Elective Courses (2)
How Can I Pay for All This? Serve as a CWI (College Writing Instructor)! Teach 1 section of Freshman Composition / quarter With supervision / support Taking Composition Theory What do I get out of it? 4-unit tuition waiver / quarter Stipend: (about 85% of 2 nd class) Teaching experience for your resume Note: Requires separate application
What can you do with the MA in English degree? Teach Academy/high school (plus state credentials) Community College 4-year colleges and university (plus the PhD) Preparation for other kinds of study MFA Law Marketing Preparation for employment Any field that requires thinking, writing, and creativity
For More Information: Link to department webpage. programs/english/ programs/english/ Natures naturesconference naturesconference