Part 1
circle team girls Words that label people, places and things are called nouns.
yellow hard tall short cold white Words that describe are called adjectives round blue
talking drinking hugging hitting Words that show action are called verbs.
Let’s put some words together! When we put words together to tell a complete idea they become a sentence! Noun= girls Verb= talking Girls talking Does that sound like a good sentence? NO! The girls are talking.
Girls talking. Is not a complete thought we need to add more than just a noun and a verb. The girls are talking. Some words come before a noun and are called articles. Some words are helping verbs that show how something is.
Your Turn! In your journal write a sentence for each picture.(Don’t forget to start each sentence with a capital letter and end them with a period.)
The girl is hugging the man. You could have written a sentence like that one. That is an ok sentence, but it’s not as detailed as it could be. Who is the girl? Who is the man? Why are they hugging? Let’s try again.
Wow, that is a sentence full of details!
Your Turn! Rewrite each sentences adding more details.(Don’t forget to start each sentence with a capital letter and end them with a period.) Submit both to me.
Send in sentences to me. Revise your essay adding details to your sentences.