Mike Dowd
Coaches are similar to personal trainers, but their main focus is with athletes Their purpose is to build athletes strength, power, and speed This will improve the team’s overall performance GO DO LAPS!!
Education At least a Bachelor’s in health field Master’s may be preferred Certifications Must have certification Most respected is “CSCS” ▪ Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist Experience Gain valuable experience in college ▪ Internships, volunteering, assistant position
Cost For non-members: $395-$445 for registration For NCSA members: $260-$310 for registration Prerequisites Bachelor’s degree or a college senior Must have current CPR/AED certifications
SScience- 1.5 hours NNutrition- 29% (23 questions) EExercise Science- 71% (57 questions) PPractical- 2.5 hours EExercise Technique- 36% (39 questions) PProgram Design-36% (40 questions) OOrganization and Admin.- 10% (11 questions) TTesting and Evaluation- 18% (20 questions)
Coaches may work in a plethora of different places Schools ▪ High schools, colleges Fitness Centers Physical Therapy clinics Professional sports teams
DDepending on where a coach is working, depends on the salary they make AAverage in U.S. = $40K-$60K CCollege coaches average = $45K-$75K SSome may earn as much as $200K PProfessional team coaches average is $100K
Must be able to educate Teach athletes how to train Teach them about nutrition Teach importance of training Perception is key Identifying when an athlete is training to their ability Looking for weightlifting errors, and correct those errors
Very competitive May need connections in order to work for schools and professional teams Although fitness centers are always looking for coaches The American College of Sports Medicine said it was one of the top 5 promising careers in recent years
SStrength and Conditioning coaching falls comprises of two parts: EEducation ▪E▪Educating the athletes about different exercises ▪ How they effect their bodies ▪E▪Explain the importance of proper nutrition
Practical ▪ Creating a program for athletes ▪ showing proper technique before athletes do the exercise ▪ Organizing time and space for activities ▪ Supervising the workouts ▪ Test and evaluate athletes regularly to ensure program is working
Assumption of risk Athletes must be aware of risks with strength and conditioning activities Must sign statement to provide awareness Liability Must take steps to prevent injury Act accordingly when injury occurs I provided proper care
Negligence Failure to act with proper standard of care ▪ May lead to injury or damage to an athlete Standard of care The expectation of you based on your certifications, training or education
Athletes may ask about supplements and nutrition It’s important to remember that coaches can’t recommend harmful or illegal substances As long as they boost athletic performance, abide by the law, and aren’t harmful can they be recommended You guys should take this.
This type of stretching is important for pre- competition Involves jumps, squats, lunges, and agility Benefits before competition include: Warms body up Prepares muscles for contraction and relaxation Increases heart rate Loosens joints to allow for full range of motion
This type of stretching is important for post- competition This includes stretching and holding a specific muscle Usually seconds Benefits for this include: Increases overall flexibility Reduces recovery time for muscles
Should mimic game situations Benefits for sport specific warm-up: Improved speed More power output Better coordination Overall better sports performance
There are two improper techniques in squatting: The “Quad” Squatter ▪ This squatter leans their weight on their toes having their knees go past their toes ▪ This causes muscle imbalances and unnecessary strain on the knees The Forward Flexion Squatter ▪ This squatter drops their chest ▪ This will lead to lower back injuries
The “Quad” Squatter Place a box or bench a few inches in front of them after they un-rack the weight As they go down the box will impede them from going lower if they continue the improper form They will then adjust by dropping their hips, and leaning more on their heels Ouch!! My knees hurt!! BAD FORM PROPER FORM
The Forward Flexion Squatter Place a PVC pipe or a broomstick a few inches in front of the person after they un-rack the weight As they squat they can’t touch the pipe; ultimately not allowing them to drop their chest BAD FORM Ouch!! My back hurts!! PROPER FORM
Lifting butt off the bench Although this can help you lift more, it will lead to lower back problems later Putting feet up on the bench Some say it isolates the chest better This isn’t true, but it can be helpful for stabilizer muscles and people with back pain Never progressing to heavier weights Doing this will you never gain strength
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