1 Lecture 11 Chap 13: Test Benches Instructors: Fu-Chiung Cheng ( 鄭福炯 ) Associate Professor Computer Science & Engineering Tatung University.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Lecture 11 Chap 13: Test Benches Instructors: Fu-Chiung Cheng ( 鄭福炯 ) Associate Professor Computer Science & Engineering Tatung University

2 Test Benches Most hardware description languages: Circuit description and test waveforms are described in different ways. VHDL: the language itself can be used to express the testing waveforms. (called test benches.) Test benches: a VHDL model that generates waveforms with which to test a circuit (VHDL) model. Test benches is used only in simulation, not for synthesized.

3 Test Benches A synthesizable model should be extensively tested in simulation before synthesis to ensure correctness. WYSISYG: what you simulate is what you get. Any errors in the design will be faithfully synthesized as errors in the final circuit. (Testing is very important…) Diagnosing errors in synthesizer-generated netlists is almost impossible. Because test benches are not synthesized, the full scope of VHDL language is available for writing them.

4 Combinational Test Benches How to write a test bench for combinational circuits. (use testing a MUX (2x1 multiplexer) as an example) 1. Define an empty entity: entity mux_test is end; 2. Create an architecture with the under-test component instance. 3. Produce test patterns: 4. Write a process to test the circuit by applying the test patterns: mux Gen inputs

5 Combinational Test Benches 2. Create an architecture with the under-test component instance. library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; architecture test_bench of mux_test is component mux; port (in0,in1,sel:in std_logic; z: out std_logic; end component; for all: mux use work.mux; signal in0, in1, sel, z:std_logic; begin CUT: mux port map(in0,in1,sel,z); end;

6 Combinational Test Benches 3. Produce test patterns: type sample is record in0: std_logic; in1: std_logic; sel: std_logic; end; type sample_array is array (natural range <>) of sample; constant test_data: sample_array := ( (‘0’,’0’,’0’), (‘0’,’0’,’1’), (‘0’,’1’,’0’), (‘0’,’1’,’1’), (‘1’,’0’,’0’), (‘1’,’0’,’1’), (‘1’,’1’,’0’), (‘1’,’1’,’1’) );

7 Combinational Test Benches 4. Write a process to test the circuit by applying the test patterns: process begin for i in test_data’range loop in0 <=test_data(i).in0; in1 <=test_data(i).in1; sel <=test_data(i).sel; wait for 10ns; end loop; wait; end process;

8 entity mux_test is end; library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; architecture test_bench of mux_test is type sample is record in0: std_logic; in1: std_logic; sel: std_logic; end; type sample_array is array (natural range <>) of sample; constant test_data: sample_array := ( (‘0’,’0’,’0’), (‘0’,’0’,’1’), (‘0’,’1’,’0’), (‘0’,’1’,’1’), (‘1’,’0’,’0’), (‘1’,’0’,’1’), (‘1’,’1’,’0’), (‘1’,’1’,’1’) );

9 component mux; port (in0,in1,sel:in std_logic; z: out std_logic; end component; for all: mux use work.mux; signal in0, in1, sel, z:std_logic; begin process for i in test_data’range loop in0 <=test_data(i).in0; in1 <=test_data(i).in1; sel <=test_data(i).sel; wait for 10 ns; end loop; wait; end process; CUT: mux port map(in0,in1,sel,z); end;

10 Combinational Test Benches: verifying responses Check the correctness through outputs Response data: type sample is record in0: std_logic; in1: std_logic; sel: std_logic; z: std_logic; end; constant test_data: sample_array := ( (‘0’,’0’,’0’,’0’), (‘0’,’0’,’1’,’0’), (‘0’,’1’,’0’,’0’), (‘0’,’1’,’1’,’1’), (‘1’,’0’,’0’,’1’), (‘1’,’0’,’1’,’0’), (‘1’,’1’,’0’,’1’), (‘1’,’1’,’1’,’1’) );

11 Combinational Test Benches: verifying responses Check the correctness through outputs Response data: type sample is record in0: std_logic; in1: std_logic; sel: std_logic; z: std_logic; end; constant test_data: sample_array := ( (‘0’,’0’,’0’,’0’), (‘0’,’0’,’1’,’0’), (‘0’,’1’,’0’,’0’), (‘0’,’1’,’1’,’1’), (‘1’,’0’,’0’,’1’), (‘1’,’0’,’1’,’0’), (‘1’,’1’,’0’,’1’), (‘1’,’1’,’1’,’1’) );

12 Combinational Test Benches: verifying responses Check the response process for i in test_data’range loop in0 <=test_data(i).in0; in1 <=test_data(i).in1; sel <=test_data(i).sel; wait for 10ns; assert z = test_data(i).z report “output z is wrong!” severity error; end loop; wait; end process;

13 Test Benches: Clock & Reset A simple clocked circuit:

14 Test Benches: Clock & Reset under-test component instance: library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; architecture test_bench of Dmux_test is component Dmux; port (in0,in1,sel,ck:in std_logic; z: out std_logic; end component; for all: Dmux use work.Dmux; signal in0, in1, sel, ck, z:std_logic; begin CUT: Dmux port map(in0,in1,sel, ck, z); end;

15 Test Benches: Clock & Reset Check the response process for i in test_data’range loop in0 <=test_data(i).in0; in1 <=test_data(i).in1; sel <=test_data(i).sel; ck <=‘0’; wait for 5 ns; ck <=‘1’; wait for 5 ns; assert z = test_data(i).z report “output z is wrong!” severity error; end loop; wait; end process;

16 Test Bench: count_ones architecture behavior of count_ones is process (vec) variable result: unsigned(4 downto 0); begin result := to_unsigned(0, result’length)); for i in vec’range loop next when vec(i) = ‘0’; result = result +1; end loop count <= result; end process; end;

17 Test Bench: count_ones input and output of count_ones is vectors: Vec: std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); count: std_logic_vector(4 downto 0);

18 Test Bench: count_ones under-test component instance: library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; architecture test_bench of count_ones_test is component count_ones port (vec:in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); count: out std_logic_vector(4 downto 0); end component; for all: count_ones use work.count_ones; signal vec: std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); signal count: std_logic_vector(4 downto 0); begin CUT: count_ones port map(vec, count); end;

19 Test Bench: count_ones Check the correctness through outputs Response data: type sample is record vec:in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); count: out std_logic_vector(4 downto 0); end; type sample_array is array (natural range <>) of sample; constant test_data: sample_array := ( (“ ”, “00000”), (“ ”, “00100”), …. );

20 Test Bench: count_ones Response data with Hexadecimal: type sample is record vec:in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); count: out std_logic_vector(4 downto 0); end; type sample_array is array (natural range <>) of sample; constant test_data: sample_array := ( (X“0000”, “00000”), (X“000F”, “00100”), …. );

21 Test Bench: count_ones Response data with Hexadecimal input, integer output: type sample is record vec:in std_logic_vector(15 downto 0); count: out integer; end; type sample_array is array (natural range <>) of sample; constant test_data: sample_array := ( (X“0000”, 0), (X“000F”, 4), …. );

22 Test Bench: count_ones Check the response process for i in test_data’range loop vec <=test_data(i).vec; wait for 10ns; assert count = to_unsigned(test_data(i).count, count’length) report “output count is wrong!” severity error; end loop; wait; end process;

23 Test Bench: Don’t care Many circuits do not generate valid outputs on very clock cycle. Example: pipeline Test benches need to ignore the invalid outputs and check only valid outputs. 1. Use extra field to indicates an valid or invalid output the field’s type is boolean. 2. Use don’t care.

24 Test Bench: invalid output Circuit to be tested: 1-bit register in the 3rd pipeline stage library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; entity delay3 is port (d, ck: in std_logic, q: out std_logic); end; Sample record: type sample is record d: std_logic; q: std_logic; valid: boolean; end record;

25 Test Bench: invalid output Test patten: constant test_data: sample_array:= ( (‘1’,’0’,false), (‘0’,’0’,false), (‘1’,’1’,true), … ); test statement: if test_data(i).valid then assert test_data(i).q = q report “q is wrong”; severity error; end if;

26 Test Bench: don’t care output Test patten: constant test_data: sample_array:= ( (‘1’,’-’), (‘0’,’-’), (‘1’,’1’), … ); test statement: assert std_match(test_data(i).q, q) report “q is wrong”; severity error;

27 Print Response values It is useful to print out the expected and actual values. A function converting std_logic to string: function toString(arg:std_logic) return string is begin case arg is when ‘U’ return “U”;when ‘X’ return “X”; when ‘0’ return “0”;when ‘1’ return “1”; when ‘W’ return “W”;when ‘L’ return “L”; when ‘H’ return “H”;when ‘Z’ return “Z”; when ‘-’ return “-”; end case; end;

28 Print Response values The assertion statement: assert test_data(i).q = q; report “q:expected =“ & toString(test_data(i).q) & “, actural =“ & toString(q) severity error; See page for predefined conversion functions.