AB 86: Adult Education Webinar Series
Agenda for Today’s Webinar Update on AB86 Survey Results / Allowability May Revise Language Non Credit Overview Questions / Discussion 2
Survey Feedback Clarity of metrics/data tracking for implementation 22% Staffing for implementation 22% Governance policy/structure 19% Work plans 15% Time - more time for implementation/timeline for implementation 15% Approval of new courses/ development of new curriculum 13% More participation from all members/commitment to implementation 13% Program/curriculum alignment and articulation agreements 11% 3
Survey Feedback Rank the importance on where the State needs to provide guidance. Funding Allowable costs for Adult Student Tracking/Identifier Governance Structure Program Outcome Measures 4
Survey Feedback Rank in what areas you plan to spend your implementation funds? Direct Instruction, Program Alignment, Supportive Services Curriculum Design/Development Opening new service/access points Bridge/Transition program Professional Development Articulation Agreements Community Outreach 5
May Revise Trailer Bill The following course areas are listed as part of the Adult Education Block Grant Elementary and secondary skills, including programs leading to a high school diploma or high school equivalency certificate. Programs for immigrants in citizenship, ESL, and workforce preparation. Career technical education courses that are short in nature with high employment potential. Programs for adults with disabilities. Programs for apprentices. (E.C ) 6
May Revise Trailer Bill Definitions: Adults are defined as a person 18 years of age and older. ABE/ASE/Basic Skills Programs for immigrants Short Term CTE. Programs for adults with disabilities. Programs for apprentices 7
Non Credit Background Education Code provides for California community college (CCC) noncredit instruction for specific adult populations as well as noncredit options for students who might combine both credit and noncredit courses within their educational plan. Both credit and noncredit instruction are funded through general fund apportionment. 8
Non Credit Background Noncredit instruction is funded at two rates Career Development / College Preparation (CDCP) – Equal to credit apportionment. To be eligible, the following must be in place: – Category must be ESL, Adult Basic Education (Elementary Basic Skills), Adult High School Diploma (Secondary Skills), or Short-Term Vocational/Workforce Training. – Courses must be CCCCO-approved and lead to an approved certificate. – Certificate must consist of at least two courses in a sequence. Regular Noncredit – Currently approximately $2,700 per FTES. The following are funded at the regular rate: – Any courses NOT in a CCCCO-approved certificate, regardless of category. – Supplemental instruction (tutoring) lab supporting credit students (only 1 approved per college). – Courses other than the CDCP allowable categories. These include courses for Older Adults (not in an approved vocational certificate), Parenting Education, Citizenship, and Adults with Disabilities (not in an approved vocational certificate). 9
Non Credit Background Courses may be scheduled using grant, contract, or categorical resources, however, these cannot collect apportionment. For example: – A business might contract for an ESL class to be offered for its employees; this class would not need to be open to the public, and it cannot collect apportionment for the students’ attendance. – Basic Skills Initiative categorical funding might fund an innovative class delivery model; this class section would not collect apportionment since general fund monies wouldn’t be used to pay for instruction. 10
Noncredit Advantage: Career Development College Preparation (CDCP) Noncredit CDCP instruction is a way to equity and closing the achievement gap. Noncredit courses have no enrollment fees which provide for greater access to educational opportunities. CDCP programs can be offered on an open-entry / open-exit basis to accommodate working adults. CDCP programs can have articulated pathways of college and career education with the credit programs of their own colleges and college districts.. 11
CDCP Certificate Approval Requirements Sequence of two or more courses that lead to: – “Certificate of Completion” for improved employability or job opportunities Certificate of Completion should correspond to programs in Short Term Vocational or Workforce Preparation. -OR- – “Certificate of Competency” in a recognized career field transitioning to credit, a degree, or baccalaureate institution Certificate of Competency should correspond to English as a Second Language or Elementary/Secondary Basic Skills. There are only four noncredit areas that are eligible for inclusion into CDCP certificates with noncredit instructional areas (CB22): – ESL – Elementary/Secondary Basic Skills – Short-Term Vocational – Workforce Prep 12
Discussion / Questions 13