Mathematics is the most self-consistently logical discipline—the pieces fit together well! Mathematics is full of cognitive challenges—puzzles are fun! Mathematics is related to the real world in fascinating ways—it supports scientific models and inquiry. “For me, doing research is like climbing a new mountain. It’s hard sometimes, but when I am in a rhythm, the feeling is awesome. I never tire of the newness, the discovery, or the view from the top.” Why Choose ?
Why teach mathematics? Excellent teachers love the climb—they never quit learning mathematics or how to teach it. Teachers who love their jobs frequently state something like: “ The biggest motivation for me is seeing my students’ excitement when they have an “Aha” experience— when they suddenly grasp a concept that is difficult.”
What do college professors (and employers) want? Higher order thinking (analytical, synthetic, logical, and creative) Problem-solving Motivation and persistence Detail-oriented behavior Good communication Mathematicians and mathematics teachers exercise the above! Dr. Diana Thomas, Director, Center for Obesity Research, Montclair State University Dr. Emmy Noether, , Mathematical pioneer and Professor
Activity Task 1—Use the graph below to estimate the net number of people being added to the world population of humans this year; compare your answer with those of other members of your group, and be ready to share your method of estimation.
Task 2—By referring to the graphs below, conjecture about the fate of the human population. Sketch an extrapolation of the population graph in the “Future” time block, and support your conjecture with a brief story about what you think the future will be like.