1 mike rospenda geographic awareness
1. It helps children understand ideas about human interaction. 2. Explains social conditions ◦ Climate ◦ Culture ◦ Environments ◦ Answers the question “Where?” 2 mike rospenda geographic awareness
1. Incidental- knowledge we get learn from everyday living. ◦ Where the store is ◦ Where school is ◦ My home 3 mike rospenda geographic awareness
1.Intentional- fills in the gaps between our local world and the world outside our experience. Helps in things like time planning Awareness of space What the limitations of time are 4 mike rospenda geographic awareness
Human Geography Spatial Understanding Physical Systems Cultural Systems 5 mike rospenda geographic awareness
How people interact with the land and regions where they live. The meaning of places in human interaction Snow and Alaska The desert and camels 6 mike rospenda geographic awareness
Placing ourselves in a place in space Representing ourselves in a variety of formats ◦ Maps ◦ Pictures ◦ Latitudes ◦ Directions 7 mike rospenda geographic awareness
Why people live where they do Why people move How economics impacts what people do 8 mike rospenda geographic awareness
The impact of weather on where people live Landforms 9 mike rospenda geographic awareness
These are my thoughts: 1. Make it real 2. Start small- ◦ Desk ◦ Classroom ◦ Bedroom ◦ House ◦ School 10 mike rospenda geographic awareness
Eventually get to the world. ◦ The idea is that we are a small piece of the puzzle ◦ ://httpmaps.google.com/ 11 mike rospenda geographic awareness
Show them how to use a compass Let the children do a compass course in class Take that outside and do the course outside **The Boy Scout book will tell you everything you need to know 12 mike rospenda geographic awareness
See the handout on the back of the power point 13 mike rospenda geographic awareness
Your car Gas station Libraries Google maps School ( not so obvious) Rummage sales Ask for old maps from people at school 14 mike rospenda geographic awareness
Compare regions Draw them Find out how maps are made Compare today’s maps of your city to older maps of the same city 15 mike rospenda geographic awareness
Give children a space to observe. ◦ Outside ◦ Grassy area ◦ Sandy area ◦ Dirt area ◦ Concrete area 16 mike rospenda geographic awareness
The space should be about 2’x2’ square Have them observe interactions Climate Animals (insects) Map the region- discuss how to do this first Discuss conflicts, geography of each place Have them do this for about fifteen minutes Before moving to the next places 17 mike rospenda geographic awareness
Take pictures of the regions Discuss what occurred at different times ◦ 10:00 AM compared to 10:22 am ◦ Relate all this to human regions and living 18 mike rospenda geographic awareness
Physical Systems relate to the features of place. 19 mike rospenda geographic awareness
Create a city. Create a land Create a region 20 mike rospenda geographic awareness
Guidelines: ◦ Students should use the information that you teach them about cites, regions, lands ◦ Give specific guidelines related to culture, shelter, food, economics ◦ Give guidelines related to government, paying for government 21 mike rospenda geographic awareness
Reasons should be given for additions to student work Students must show a representation of their region, city, …. ◦ Have this open to interpretation Salt map Line map Pictures 3D representation 22 mike rospenda geographic awareness
Teach for meaning Teach that we are not alone Give a wide variety of experiences with maps Show the practical uses of mapping GPS?? Teach that we all have basic needs regardless of where we live Teach that we all have value, regardless of geography or culture 23 mike rospenda geographic awareness