Jake Aplanalp AIM/CPM Program Manager NAWCTSD Orlando December 2009
Focus of Presentation AIM Background & History AIM & Navy Content Development Standards AIM Software Status
Authoring Instructional Materials (AIM): Government-owned & managed system used by the Navy to design, develop, update, manage, and integrate training content Provides automated conformance to standards (NAVEDTRA 130B/131B, ILE) resulting in efficient, cost effective development & maintenance of learning content Links learning requirements to work definition based on Job Duty Task Analysis (JDTA) standard Links learning content to Interactive Electronic Tech Manuals (IETMs) (S1000D & other formats) Automates identification and notification of potential learning content update requirements based on performance standard & tech data changes- “Concurrency Management” Streamlines integration of changes into previous learning content baseline with minimum impact (because built on relational database) Supports multiple output methods (paper, PDF, HTML, & SCORM conformant XML formats) AIM is a mature application & service provider supporting the development & sustainment of 400,000+ instructional hours of formal Navy training content
CNET drafts Operational Requirement (OR)1981 NPRDC Conducts R&D NPRDC Awards R&D Contract1987 CNO Establish Project Manager 1989 AIM MNS/Milestone 0 Approved1990 Milestone I/II approved1992 Initial version of AIM (UNIX) distributed1993 Milestone III approved (Implementation)1994 AIM System Support Office (SSO) at NAWCTSD Established1994 AIM II Implementation1996 AIM I Implementation1997 Program Management Shift to NAWCTSD1997 IETM Interface1998 SCORM Output Utility2001 SQL Server2002 Word as editor; IMI Library2003 AIM first GOTS SCORM Adopter2004 Prototype LO Module; NMCI certification2005 Navy ILE ILT authoring/maintenance tool2006 Prototype Content Planning Module (CPM)2007 NMCI Certification & Distribution of AIM LO Module2008 CPM Operational2008 Major CPM/LO Module updates including JDTA support2009 AIM Historical Perspective Program of Record with history of continuous improvement and successful adaptability in meeting the user’s changing requirements and technology advances
AIM-based Learning Content Usage* Big “3” Example Others include: SWS NSWC SPAWAR NMPT&E NSTEP CPPD CNE CID CEODD CSS SWOS *Data captured in 4 th Quarter of FY07
AIM Management Organization System Support Office (SSO) NAWCTSD Orlando System Support Office (SSO) NAWCTSD Orlando Program Manager OPNAV N75 Program Manager OPNAV N75 Program Manager NAWCTSD Orlando Program Manager NAWCTSD Orlando Configuration Control Board (CCB)/ Resource Sponsorship: Surface/Air/Sub/NETC Configuration Control Board (CCB)/ Resource Sponsorship: Surface/Air/Sub/NETC Functional Area Manager OPNAV – N00T Functional Area Manager OPNAV – N00T Functional Requirements Board (FRB) Functional Requirements Board (FRB) Functional Area Manager OPNAV – N12 (proposed) Functional Area Manager OPNAV – N12 (proposed) Functional Area Manager OPNAV – N79 Functional Area Manager OPNAV – N79 Functional Area Manager OPNAV N15/NETC N7 Functional Area Manager OPNAV N15/NETC N7 Prime Support Contractor- Columbus Technologies Prime Support Contractor- Columbus Technologies
AIM & Navy Training Standards AIM follows ISD rules of the PADDIE model Working closely with NETC N74 to support new policy changes: –AIM I built on NAVEDTRA 131B Personnel Performance Profile (PPP) based curriculum model –AIM II built on NAVEDTRA 130B Task based curriculum model –Traditional AIM links content to CTTL / PPP tables –AIM continues support for traditional 130/131 content formats as well as ILE content rules per evolving NETC & Navy Standards including new JDTA methodology (NETCINST ) for defining work as the basis for training requirements and learning content structure AIM outputs –Printable Material (PDF), SCORM-compliant XML Files (LMS, electronic classrooms, repositories), CeTARS CMS Web service, & Database export for use in other AIM systems or content authoring tools
Technical Data Repository LEGEND: Phase 1 Phase 2 – needs functional input to technical team for design and implementation Baseline Learning Content CPM - baseline JDTA data - learning objectives - content outline - content mgmt data LO Module Outputs: -complete ILT lessons/sections -lesson/section content outline and storyboards for self-paced incl metadata, links to IETMs, SME inputs, on narrative, interactions, and graphics Inputs: -updated and versioned storyboard content from self-paced authoring tools Links to Authoritative Tech Data / Updates Content Outline Draft w Versioned Learning Objectives and Metadata Performance Change Impact Reporting (based on performance rqts updates; specifies learning objectives that may need changing) Versioned Learning Objective Updates List of learning objects linked to impacted learning objectives Self-Paced Tools Dvlp/Maint - amplify storyboard data from LO Module - dvlp initial s-p lessons/sections - coord review comments - finalize s-p content - export data back to LO Module Content outline, metadata, links to IETMs, SME inputs on narrative, interactions, & graphics Updated and versioned LO Module export data plus URL links to self- paced html files Baseline and updated run-time self-paced content Content Repository List of learning objects linked to impacted tech data Technical Change Impact Reporting (based on learning objective and tech data updates; specifies learning objects that may need changing) Versioned Learning Content Updates
MT Continuum Prototype Project Strategic Systems Programs (SSP) re-engineering 30+ week training pipeline for TRIDENT Ballistic Submarine (SSBN) Missile Techs (MTs) into blended just-enough/just-in-time ILE- conformant Instructor Led (ILT) and self-paced segments AIM CPM and LO Module toolsets part of SSP’s baseline business process for this re-engineering First major end-to-end design, development, and maintenance project that’s defining CPM/LO Module business rules and data exchange mechanisms MT Continuum team: –SSP / contractors - Requirements Owners –NAWCTSD / AIM team - CPM/LO Module support –LSI, Inc. - ISD and self-paced content design/development
AIM Software Modernization Status
AIM Summary History of AIM – consistent success in past, updated over time, now extending to blended learning – leveraging historical ROI and TOC reduction One GOTS tool supporting: –Traditional content development/maintenance (NAVEDTRA 130/131) –Migration of traditional to new content standards (ILE) –New development/support of blended learning (ILT & self-paced) Gaps in current Navy Training Environment: –ILT in ILE standards/toolset –JDTA links to learning content –Integrated, performance-based design, development, and maintenance of both ILT and self-paced learning content –Automated surveillance capability to drive down significant total ownership cost of learning content AIM toolset is filling those gaps as demonstrated by MT Continuum prototype project
Government Points of Contact Navy Program ManagerNavy Program Manager Jake Aplanalp Software Engineering/Help DeskSoftware Engineering/Help Desk Ron Zinnato Website Asst Program ManagerAsst Program Manager Tiffany Dombrowski
Contractor Points of Contact Contractor Program ManagerContractor Program Manager Jim Ferrall ISD SupportISD Support Danette Likens ISD LeadISD Lead Jamie Stewart