Bookshare 101 A hands on session to familiarize you with Bookshare and its procedures. Trish Lopacienski, CCC-SLP ACT Team Leader FCPS Bookshare Primary Contact
What is Bookshare? O Bookshare is an accessible online library for people with print disabilities. It operates under an exception to US Copyright Law, The Chafee Amendment, which allows digital books to be made available to qualifying students. O It’s FREE for qualified U.S. students and schools. O
Qualifications O Guidelines for determining what qualifies as a print disability and examples of “competent authorities.” O qualifications
Qualified O Visual Impairment, Blindness/Low Vision: family doctor, ophthalmologist, optometrist O Physical Disability: family doctor, physical therapist, resource specialist, special education teacher O Learning Disability: neurologist, school psychologist, special education teacher
Not Qualified O The following disabilities are NOT qualified UNLESS they are accompanied by a QUALIFIED visual, physical, or learning disability: O Autism O Emotional Disability O ADHD O ESL & ELL
How to get your students access: FCPS guidelines O FCPS has an organizational account and students should be enrolled through this account. Special Education Department Chairs and Special Education Team Leaders are the county’s designated Bookshare sponsors. O
Case Manager Responsibilities O 1. Search other sources to determine if the book is available without accessing Bookshare. O 2. Determine that the student has a qualifying print disability in order to access books through Bookshare and have the Special Education Department Chair (high school)/Special Education Team Leader (elementary) enroll the student(s). O 3. Provide the Special Education Department Chair (high school)/Special Education Team Leader (elementary) in your building with a list of books that the student will need in digital format. Be sure to include the title, publisher, publishing date, edition and ISBN number.
Department Chair/Team Leader Responsibilities O 1. Enroll with Bookshare as a Sponsor. O Contact Trishia Lopacienski to enroll you as a Sponsor for your school. You will need to provide your FCPS address and phone O 2. Enroll Students O 3. Download Books
Enrolling Students O O My Organization O Members, scroll to the bottom Add a Member O Complete Account Details, Qualifying Information & Members Download Preferences. O Save **Utilize Save and Add an Individual Membership. An Individual Membership is free for the student and allows the student to download their own books and use tools such as Bookshare Web Reader and Reading Lists. When using this feature, parents do not have to provide additional proof of disability. You have the option to download the forms or sending the parents and . is the faster, more efficient option if available. O Utilize Bookshare’s Video Tutorials found under the Help> Training tab.
Enrolling Students
Your Turn! O This demo account should allow us to practice downloading a book. Please DO NOT change any account preferencesor delete any students you or others have added. O Login Information: O O Password: demo480
Downloading Books O 1. If students are using a networked computer for Bookshare, save books to the “G” drive aka the Student Drive. Create a Books folder for the designated student. (ex. May Duperson Books) O 2. Within that new folder, create folders for each book you’ll be downloading. This is because each download contains many files.
Downloading Books O 1. Search book O 2. Click Download O Select Student O Download O Click Available O Save As (Choose the destination folder created) O Save
Downloading Books O 3. Open the book’s folder. O Double click the zipped file. O Extract All files (VERY important) O Open Kurzweil and open the largest file (might be the XML file) and it should open your book.
Reading Tools O Computer based software Kurzweil Read:OutLoud by Don Johnston (free to Bookshare members) Google Chrome O Tablet based Applications Read2Go (iPad: will show images when available) Voice Dream (iPad: no images)
Reading Tools: Read:OutLoud
Reading Tools: Google Chrome
Is Bookshare right for your student? Other sources for digital text: O FCPL and consult your media specialist for school- based subscriptions O Book Flix: Scaredy Squirrel vs. Scaredy Squirrel O True Flix O Freedom Flix O Tumble Books O Reading A-Z
Is Bookshare Right for your Student Other sources for digital text: O “Launched in June 2013, Newsela publishes high- interest news articles daily at five levels of complexity for grades 3-12 using Newsela’s proprietary, rapid text-leveling process. Common Core–aligned quizzes attached to articles give educators and parents insight into their students’ reading strengths and weaknesses. Newsela develops nonfiction fluency and critical-thinking skills necessary to master the Common Core standards for informational text.”Newsela
Help! I can’t find my book! O For K-12 textbooks: It is possible that we can request a book from the NIMAC repository. NIMAC-sourced titles are only available to U.S. K-12 public schools for students who are Chafee-qualified and have an Individualized Education Plan (IEP) from a public education agency. You can request a NIMAC book completing and submitting aBook Request form. From there, we will be happy to check to see if it’s available in NIMAC. If it is, then we will request it from NIMAC. You will receive an when your requested book is available in the collection, a process that will take about two weeks. If a book is not available through NIMAC, then we would be glad to order, scan, and process it manually. Book Request O For other school books: Send a request to Bookshare’s School Book Team by completing and submitting a Book Request form. While Bookshare tries to process all student and teacher book requests, please understand that in some circumstances the requested material may not be available or suitable for Bookshare’s scanning processes;at this time, when we chop and scan a book, images are not retained. The Bookshare team will reply to your within three business days so you know the status of your request. Book Request O>Help tab>Support Center and FAQ>Searching for Books
Bookshare and the IEP O As an accommodation, Bookshare would be listed as Text to Speech software. The explanation is then listed under "Document basis for decision". It is in this section that case managers need to describe the specific deficit for which they are accommodating (i.e. - deficit in reading as evidenced by low scores in the area of reading on the Woodcock Johnson-III as well as low performance within the curriculum). They can also list in this section that students will access digital texts read aloud via Bookshare.
Bookshare and the IEP O How do you decide as a team which read aloud accommodation is appropriate? Human reader vs. Text to Speech O PAR: Protocol for Accommodations in Reading available for free from Don Johnston.
Bookshare and the IEP: PAR O “The PAR manual helps you determine the most suitable reading accommodations for specific students by assessing their individual needs. Anyone on the IEP team can administer PAR to systematize how reading accommodations are recommended on a student level or across the school district.” O #.UwD-rvldV8F
Bookshare and the IEP: PAR O Watch an On-Demand PAR Webinar: O The pre-recorded webinar delivered by Denise DeCoste will help you get the PAR Framework off the ground and immediately working in your setting. (65 min) O The PAR webinar covers: Research about reading accommodations The motivation behind creating PAR How to carefully consider a reading accommodation A process to compare performance across accommodations Forms for collecting data, making recommendations and sharing outcomes
That was easy, huh?! O Questions? O Please complete your session evaluation.