Ready for some fun? We’re going to learn about games--across the ages and around the world.
From thousands of years ago… Jacks in Ancient Greece Jacks today to now! Toys and games have always been fun!
We know about games in history because we can still read books and see works of art from long ago. This painting of kids in England playing marbles is about 200 years old. This book was published in 1744; it tells kids about baseball and other games.
Jacks in Guatemala… And Jacks in Mali (Africa). Some very old games are still played all over the world. Jacks in Japan…
People can buy toys and games at the store. This toy store is in Paris, France. This toy store is in Ontario, Canada.
Or, they can make their own toys and games. These boys in Africa made a soccer ball out of rags and string. These girls in Oakland are making their own dolls.
Some games are played outside. These American girls are on a soccer team. At this school in England, kids like to play hopscotch.
Some games are played inside. These children are playing Mancala, a game from Africa. These kids are playing checkers at a hospital in Maryland.
Some games are fun for just one person to play.
But for other games, teams are part of the fun!
Across the years and around the world, people have always played games and had fun together. What games do YOU like to play?