IAU STRATEGIC PLAN FOR ASTRONOMY DEVELOPMENT Long-term vision Goals for 2010 – 2020 Strategy –Integrated strategic phased approach –Increase regional involvement (bottom-up) –Enlarge number of active volunteers –Initiate new types of activity –Build on IYA momentum and cornerstones –Advance UN Millennium Goals –Exploit new tools and opportunities –Create small “Global Astronomy for Development Office” Implementation roadmap Fundraising possibilities Draft: Final version within next month
ACTIONS FOR YOU!! Discuss the plan with the directors of your institutes and your universities –Participation in long-term institute twinning? –Fund staff to lecture in developing countries –Interest in becoming regional node? –Interest in hosting the Global Astronomy for Development Office? shared cost but prestigious Go and discuss the plan with your governments –e.g. Departments of international development? If useful, ask IAU to help Lookout for funding opportunities and approach IAU if we can help –International and national foundations –Multinational companies operating in developing countries –Bilateral agreements between governments –International and regional development agencies –Credible philanthropists –Future large projects: 1% for global development in astronomy Have strong arguments ready to use
ASTRONOMY OPTICS High-precision adaptive optics COMPUTERS Fastest hardware Complex software ELECTRONICS Most sensitive detectors Fastest clocks SPACE Satellites Miniaturization Precision TECHNOLOGY AND SKILLS
ASTRONOMY OPTICS High-precision adaptive optics COMPUTERS Fastest hardware Complex software ELECTRONICS Most sensitive detectors Fastest clocks SPACE Satellites Miniaturization Precision PHYSICS Laboratory of extremes Making heavy elements CHEMISTRY Producing organic molecules BIOLOGY Building blocks of life MATHEM- ATICS Abstract thought TECHNOLOGY AND SKILLS SCIENCE AND RESEARCH
ASTRONOMY AS SCIENCE Inexpensive laboratories for studying laws of physics under extreme conditions: –Largest energies (~ erg). –Largest densities (~10 18 kg/m 3 ). –Most tenuous vacuum –Largest sizes (> 10 million light years) Frontier science do-able from anywhere in world
ASTRONOMY OPTICS High-precision adaptive optics COMPUTERS Fastest hardware Complex software ELECTRONICS Most sensitive detectors Fastest clocks SPACE Satellites Miniaturization Precision PHYSICS Laboratory of extremes Making heavy elements CHEMISTRY Producing organic molecules BIOLOGY Building blocks of life MATHEM- ATICS Application of sophisticated formalisms INSPIRATION Career in science and technology ANTHRO- POLOGY Ancient civilizations Our roots HISTORY Evolution of Universe Our roots PERSPECTIVE IMMENSITY OF UNIVERSE Tolerance and global citizenship TECHNOLOGY AND SKILLS SCIENCE AND RESEARCH CULTURE AND SOCIETY
Ireland, Newgrange, 4500 BC England, Stonehenge, 3100 BC Egypt, Nabta 4300 BC Egypt, Karnak, 2000 BC Inner Mongolia, Baimiaozi, 4000 BC MEGALITHIC “ASTRONOMY” Japan, Kanayama ~ BC
ASTRONOMY OPTICS High-precision adaptive optics COMPUTERS Fastest hardware Complex software ELECTRONICS Most sensitive detectors Fastest clocks SPACE Satellites Miniaturization Precision PHYSICS Laboratory of extremes Making heavy elements CHEMISTRY Producing organic molecules BIOLOGY Building blocks of life MATHEM- ATICS Application of sophisticated formalisms INSPIRATION Career in science and technology ANTHRO- POLOGY Ancient civilizations Our roots HISTORY Evolution of Universe Our roots PERSPECTIVE IMMENSITY OF UNIVERSE Tolerance and global citizenship TECHNOLOGY AND SKILLS SCIENCE AND RESEARCH CULTURE AND SOCIETY
HISTORY OF THE UNIVERSE Everything came out of the Big Bang!!
ASTRONOMY OPTICS High-precision adaptive optics COMPUTERS Fastest hardware Complex software ELECTRONICS Most sensitive detectors Fastest clocks SPACE Satellites Miniaturization Precision PHYSICS Laboratory of extremes Making heavy elements CHEMISTRY Producing organic molecules BIOLOGY Building blocks of life MATHEM- ATICS Application of sophisticated formalisms INSPIRATION Career in science and technology ANTHRO- POLOGY Ancient civilizations Our roots HISTORY Evolution of Universe Our roots PERSPECTIVE IMMENSITY OF UNIVERSE Tolerance and global citizenship TECHNOLOGY AND SKILLS SCIENCE AND RESEARCH CULTURE AND SOCIETY
UNIVERSE AWARENESS (UNAWE) Astronomy-based program with social goals Use PERSPECTIVE, INSPIRATION and FUN of astronomy to –Broaden children’s minds Stimulate internationalism, tolerance and world citizenship –Enhance their understanding of the world –Demonstrate power of rational thought Exposes DISADVANTAGED young children (4 – 10) to INSPIRATIONAL aspects of astronomy
ASTRONOMY OPTICS High-precision adaptive optics COMPUTERS Fastest hardware Complex software ELECTRONICS Most sensitive detectors Fastest clocks SPACE Satellites Miniaturization Precision PHYSICS Laboratory of extremes Making heavy elements CHEMISTRY Producing organic molecules BIOLOGY Building blocks of life MATHEM- ATICS Abstract thought INSPIRATION Career in science and technology ANTHRO- POLOGY Ancient civilizations Our roots HISTORY Evolution of Universe Our roots PERSPECTIVE IMMENSITY OF UNIVERSE Tolerance and global citizenship TECHNOLOGY AND SKILLS SCIENCE AND RESEARCH CULTURE AND SOCIETY WHY ASTRONOMY?
1996 DACST white paper on role of pure science within the new democracy: –“It is important to maintain a basic competence in ‘flagship’ sciences such as physics and astronomy for cultural reasons. Not to offer them would be to take a negative view of our future – the view that we are a second-class nation, chained forever to the treadmill of feeding and clothing ourselves” RATIONALE OF SOUTH AFRICA FOR ASTRONOMY Science Culture Technology INSPIRATION “Exploring the Universe for the benefit of humankind”