Transition planning for young people moving on from care SHARN BOWLEY & JULIE MEPHAM.


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Presentation transcript:

Transition planning for young people moving on from care SHARN BOWLEY & JULIE MEPHAM

Learning outcomes Have an understanding of the issues for young people as they face transitions in their lives Be aware of how to support young people through transitions Have an understanding of the impact of looked after young people care leavers earlier experiences. Exercise one: Ice Breaker

Transition and leaving care –What is transition? –Consistent finding from studies of care leavers is most move on aged 16 to 18 whereas most peers remain at home well into 20’s –Care leavers expected to undertake journey to adulthood from far younger and in far less time than peers –For many YP is final event (no opportunity to return) –Often have to cope with major status changes in lives at same time as leaving care –Often miss out on critical preparation stage 3 broad outcome groups of transitions to adulthood 1.Those moving on from care 2.Those ‘surviving’ 3.Those ‘struggling’

Preparation and planning process The challenge: Current system: requirements in Children (Leaving Care) Act main dimensions to preparation –enabling young people to build and maintain relationships with others; –enabling young people to develop their self-esteem; and –assisting YP to acquire practical and financial skills and knowledge. NCAS believe that the IRO role is crucial in this process

What helps smooth and well planned transitions? Research and evaluation of best practice suggests that a number of elements are associated with smooth and well planned transitions: YP have option to remain in care until prepared and ready to leave Helps when planning takes place early on (build on existing assessment and care plan) Process must involve and empower YP All those with interest in support of YP must be fully involved in process Planning at YP pace Real choice YP want good, consistent and stable relationship with workers – most important factor in continued engagement. When have poor relationships YP see process as another paper exercise

Resilience in young people In Newman and Blackburns* report on young people and transitions, they define transitions as: “..any episode where children are having to cope with potentially challenging episodes of change..” The changes they considered were: Moving through developmental stages Changing schools Loss Bereavement Parental incapacity Transition to adulthood * Newman T. & Blackburn S.(2002) transition in the lives of children & young people: resilience factors

Definition of resilience Mike Stein in his research refers to: “ leavers having compressed and accelerated transitions to adulthood..” The age for leaving home is generally mid twenties. Young people leaving care often have to “leave home” or leave care at an earlier age and take on the responsibilities of adulthood. Stein M (2004) : What Works for Young People Leaving Care? Barnardos

Factors to success Mike Stein identified these as being crucial for LAC and CLs’ to overcome the difficulties of being in care and becoming successful adult are as follows: Stability & continuity attachment Identity Self – efficacy Education Leisure Preparation

Key messages from young people In some LA there is a lack of preparation and planning for independence Local authorities need to ensure that staff receive training Young people must be involved in the process Young people expect professionals to know their needs and advise them accordingly Emotional support important to prepare for leaving care Flexible responsive support makes a difference – going the extra mile “The biggest issue for me was the loneliness, you’re suddenly on your own, the whole concept is a bit mad” “I wasn’t prepared in any way for independent living. I knew there was so much I couldn’t do – I knew I had to experience stuff and learn from it”.

So What Made the Difference with placements and accommodation? Findings: Quality of support Support from family/friends and carers Feeling independent Choice and control Education and financial support

So What Made the Difference with preparation and planning for independence? Findings: The availability of flexible, responsive advice Knowing that at least one key person was there for them, checking on them regularly

National Standards in Leaving Care Standard 1: Corporate Parenting Responsibilities Standard 2: Being Healthy Standard 3: Staying Safe Standard 4: Enjoying and Achieving Standard 5: Making a Positive Contribution Standard 6: Achieving Economic Wellbeing Standard 7: Fairness and Diversity Standard 8: Preparation and Care Planning Self assessment – rate your service Practice database

Government debate during Act Planning for transitions Statutory review when moved to unregulated placement - not automatically ‘relevant child’. In future, there will be a presumption that children will continue to be looked after up to the age of 18 and that there will rarely be good reasons for a local authority to cease looking after a child before he or she turns 18…the role of the IRO in each case will be to challenge local decisions to ensure that there has been a proper assessment and that any decision promotes the welfare of the child. Sarah McCarthy-Fry MP, Third Reading Debate 8 th October Relevant children will be a ‘residual category’

Children & Young Persons Act 2008 Royal assent 13 Nov Takes forward legal provisions from care matters Areas: SW practices (clauses 1 - 6) Well being (clause 7) Education (clauses ) Placements (accommodation clause 8 &9; visiting clauses ) IRO (clauses ) Supporting children in families (clause 19; 24; 25) Gradual implementation

Guidance & regulations New Care planning guidance Revision of IRO guidance “We will address statutory guidance to the IROs themselves on the importance of maintaining their independent voice in care planning, and on how to perform their role more effectively. It will be the first time that statutory guidance of that sort, on how to perform their role, will have been issued”, Beverley Hughes, Committee stage, July 2008 Revision of leaving care guidance (Transition to adulthood) Timeframes: Draft for consultation Finalised Dec 2009

Exercise 2 In small groups we would like you to use the cards provided to select the top five skills young people need to develop in preparation for moving into their transition from care.

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