Persuasive Art How can artists influence our opinions? What kind of artist creates persuasive posters?
Introduction | Task | Process | Evaluation | Conclusion Hello, professional graphic artists! You have been invited to a school for Career Day. Your assignment at Career Day is to try to convince students that they might enjoy a job just like yours. You will make a billboard sign advocating your profession.
Introduction | Task | Process | Evaluation | Conclusion You and your partner should be able to answer basic questions students may have about graphic design careers. First, you will find the answers to those questions today so that you can be prepared for your presentation. Next, you will analyze and interpret the work of graphic artists. This activity will help you in the final task. Finally, you will work collaboratively to create a persuasive graphic design career billboard. AT THE COMPUTER, both group members will look at the web sites and help to finish the worksheets. AWAY FROM THE COMPUTER, both will help to plan the billboard, however, one person is in charge of visual images (pictures), while the other is in charge of information (words). Decide now on your partner roles.
Process Introduction | Task | Process | Evaluation | Conclusion Assignment 1: To prepare for your discussion, view the AIGA website, and complete the accompanying questions on your worksheet. To navigate this website, use the red links at the BOTTOM or SIDE of each page. Assignment 2: To prepare to create your billboard, study the following graphic art posters. After you visit one link, close Internet Explorer, and click a new link. Fill in the chart on your worksheet. Plan your work using partner roles. Aubrey Beardsley | Henri Toulouse-Lautrec | Barbara Kruger | Anti-Bully Poster | | Smokey The Bear Harry Potter Movie Poster Assignment 3: Use the website Big Huge Labs to create your persuasive billboard for the career of Graphic Designer using your partner roles.
Introduction | Task | Process | Evaluation | Conclusion A Successful Worksheet: Is turned in on time. Features complete, correct, legible answers. Shows that you used your brain, as well as the websites, to seek information. A Successful Billboard: Starts with a plan. Features supportive, readable, text (words) with correct spelling and grammar. Features interesting, appropriate, well-chosen images (pictures) Is persuasive and on-topic. Makes the viewer want a career in Graphic Arts. Is saved on Ms. Sirna’s thumb drive as a finished project.
Introduction | Task | Process | Evaluation | Conclusion Congratulations! You are now ready to share your learning about art careers, and perhaps consider an art career for your future. You have gained experience in working collaboratively, seeking specific information, and meeting art lesson objectives.