SybilCast: Broadcast on the Open Airwaves SETH GILBERT, CHAODONG ZHENG National University of Singapore
Base Station u u v v Sunday afternoon in Starbucks v2 v3 v1 v4 v7 v8 v6 v9 v5 We have a Sybil attack! Sybil identities: AliceSean B/2 B/10 …
Radios can access many channels u u msgAck for msg x x msg channel one channel two Honest users: always pass the test! Malicious users: lose (fake) id with 50% chance! Use radio resource testing! [1] N. James, E. Shi, D. Song, and A. Perrig. The sybil attack in sensor networks: Analysis & defenses. [2] D. Mónica, J. Leitão, L. Rodrigues, and C. Ribeiro. On the use of radio resource tests in wireless ad-hoc networks. Base Station v v y y !ALERT!
Challenges Colluding: Malicious users can cover more than one channel Other malicious behavior: Malicious user jam channels, and/or spoof messages Continuous nature of the system: Cannot run a set of tests and then stick to normal data deliver protocols Efficiency of detection: Overhead for detecting sybil identities must be low
Overview 1. Introducing sybil attacks 2. Model and problem 3. The SybilCast protocol: Structure Why it works
Model Base Station v v w w Channel two Channel c … Channel one
Channel two Channel c … Channel one Malicious users Base Station v v w w Sean Shirley x x y y q q r r Quit
Channel two Channel c … Channel one Problem: fair bandwidth access u u Sean Shirley data Base Station
Introducing SybilCast Three phases per epoch: Registration phase: new users join the network Data phase: registered users receive data and authentication information Verification phase: base station checks registered users time … d registered identities registration phase: at most d new ids registered data phase: at most 2d ids present verification phase: s ids removed 2d-s registered identities … one epoch
Why those lengths? Balance sybil identities’ admission rate and honest identities’ admission rate: Fast admission → Low registration overhead However: Fast admission → More sybil identities → Low throughput Registered identities at most double! time … d registered identities registration phase: at most d new ids registered data phase: at most 2d ids present verification phase: s ids removed 2d-s registered identities … one epoch
Registration phase … …
Challenges and Tools Avoid jamming Random uncoordinated frequency hopping Authenticating nodes (to counter spoofing): Hash chain Avoid contention among nodes: Backoff protocol (ensures delivery of single partial seed) Registration list (ensures enough partial seeds)
Structure of SybilCast Three phases per epoch: Registration phase: new users join the network Data phase: registered users receive data and authentication information Verification phase: base station checks registered users time … d registered identities registration phase: at most d new ids registered data phase: at most 2d ids present verification phase: s ids removed 2d-s registered identities … one epoch
Channel one Channel two Channel three Data phase Goal: deliver data and nonces to registered identities Procedure for each round: Base station chooses a random registered identity Send a packet on the pre-agreed channel with data and nonce Intended receiver get the data All nodes on that channel record the nonce! Base Station u u v v w w random binary string datanonce
The Power of the Nonce TM
Verification phase
p finishes registration Putting everything together time … p initiate a request … epoch iepoch i+1epoch i+2epoch j p obtains first partial seed
Putting everything together
SybilCast’s key property
THIS IS IT! SybilCast solves fair bandwidth allocation despite: Sybil attacks! Jamming! Spoofing! Combination of existing tools: Radio resource testing, frequency hopping, hash chain, … And innovations: Admission rate control, deferred verification, … Distri-SybilCast? If you have questions, now is the time! Conclusion