Vocational Qualification Standards: UK By Nigel Lloyd Marta Jacyniuk-Lloyd Nadeem A. Khan
Regulatory Bodies: NOS (Standards of Competence) institutional complexity National Occupational Standards (NOS): all UK Sector Skills Development Agency (SSDA 2002) 25 Sector Skills Councils Several other standards-setting bodies NB: it does not matter how competence was acquired, NVQs are independent of courses.
Regulatory Bodies: Qualifications England QCA (Qualifications & Curriculum Authority 1997) Scotland SQA (Scottish Qualifications Authority 1997) Wales: ACCAC (Awdurdod Cymwysterau, Cwricwlwm Ac Asesu Cymru Qualifications, Curriculum & Assessment Authority for Wales 1997) Northern Ireland: CCEA (Council for the Curriculum, Examinations & Assessment 1997) 135 licensed Awarding Bodies (only SQA in Scotland) Approved Assessment Centres England: ALI (Adult Learning Inspectorate 2001) inspects government-funded training providers Unregulated training providers
National Qualification Framework in England D (doctoral) doctorates 5 Level 5 NVQ Level 5 Diploma 8 Specialist awards M (masters) masters degrees, postgraduate certificates and diplomas 7 Level 7 Diploma H (honours) bachelors degrees, graduate certificates and diplomas 4 Level 4 NVQ Level 4 Diploma Level 4 BTEC Higher National 6 Level 6 Diploma I (intermediate) diplomas of higher education and further education 5 Level 5 BTEC Higher National Diploma C (certificate) certificates of higher education 4 Level 4 Certificate 3 Level 3 Certificate Level 3 NVQ A levels 2 Level 2 Diploma Level 2 NVQ, GCSEs A*-C 1 Level 1 Certificate Level 1 NVQ GCSEs D-G GCSEs
NVQ Awarding Bodies ◘In UK, there are over 135 NVQ awarding bodies which are recognized by UK NARIC ◘Awarding bodies are responsible for assuring the quality of NVQs offered in their name. ◘Examples: ◘ Transportation Vocational Group ◘ Sea Fish Industry Authority ◘ Petroleum Industry National Training Organisation ◘ Institute of Customer Service ◘ Gas & Water Industry National Training Organisation
National Vocational Qualifications (NVQs, SVQs) Title Level Learning outcomes: “The learner will… etc Additional information about the unit Unit aim(s) Unit expiry date relationship to relevant NOS Assessment requirements specified by a sector or regulatory body Location of the unit within the subject/sector classification system Availability for use Credit value Assessment criteria: “The learner can… etc relationship to other standards or curricula Endorsement of the unit by the sector or other appropriate body Name of the organisation submitting the unit Availability for delivery
Approved Training Providers Awarding bodies help training providers to apply for approval to train candidates Criteria: 1. Strong track record in managing existing NVQ criteria 2. Compliance with qualification specifications requirements 3. Competence and occupational qualifications of assessors 4. Opportunities for training for candidates
Approved Assessment Centre Criteria: Management Systems ◘ Documented quality procedures ◘ Progress reports and staff updates ◘ Documented policy procedures ◘ Organizational Chart ◘ Lines of accountability ◘ CVs of assessors, internal verifiers and assessment teams ◘ Internal plans & reports ◘ Staff Handbooks & organizational charts ◘ Minutes of meeting & reports from awarding body
Approved Assessment Centre Criteria: Resources Record of resources/finances availability Record of equipment & accommodation Maintenance Schedules Health & Safety Policies Assessor/ Candidate ratios Staff induction & guidance materials Records of meetings/ briefings Lists of qualified assessors
Approved Assessment Centre: Delivery & Assessment Candidate guidance & support materials Details of support services available Candidate assessment plans, procedures, review procedures, appeal procedures Lists of resources available for special needs Candidate tracking systems Sampled assessments Details of countersigning arrangements for assessment decisions made by unqualified assessors Records of units registered/claimed/awarded
Approved Assessment Centre: Records Candidate registration details. Candidate assessment records. Evidence files/portfolios. Security and access arrangements. Achievement records in relation to the access and fair assessment policy. Statistical information on achievement and certification rates analysed by factors such as ethnic origin, disability and gender. Records of candidate entry/registration details and certificate claims.
Learning & Skills teacher/tutor/trainer 1.‘Passport’ award for all new entrants into the profession 2.full QTLS status (Qualified Teacher Learning & Skills) = fully qualified school or university teacher Domain A Professional Values & Practice Domain B Specialist Area & its Pedagogy Domain C Planning for Learning Domain D Learning and Teaching Domain E Assessment for Learning Domain F Supporting Access & Progression 9/07 all new teachers /tutors/trainers in the Learning & Skills sector in England to start on the ‘Passport’, beginning a learning pathway towards QTLS.
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