Construction Skills Network Construction Skills Certification Scheme BIDDING FOR GOLD Presented by Haydon Holloway LLB (Hons) ConstructionSkills
Construction Skills Network What is CSCS? Construction Skills Certification Scheme. A card registration scheme for construction operatives, supervisors, managers and Professionals Awarded to those with recognised levels of: - Occupational competence - Health & Safety awareness
Construction Skills Network Benefits To the industry: –improved standards of workmanship leading to better reputation for the construction industry To the employer: –qualified workers get the job done safer, faster, and better, with less time spent correcting mistakes To the worker: –proves you are skilled and competent and helps you get on in your career
Construction Skills Network Now the most recognised and inclusive scheme across the industry Growth and Scope CardholdersOccupations Open 1 st April st December st September , st August , st October , rd July 20071,060,307 over 236
Construction Skills Network Drivers 1.Clients Client groupings may specify that contracts will be awarded to a fully qualified and carded workforce Examples: Construction client groups Housing Corporations and Associations Local Government Authorities Private Developers
Construction Skills Network Drivers 2.The Law There is currently no law requiring CSCS cards, however: The Health & Safety at Work Act Compliance with the new Construction Design Management Regulations (CDM) around competent workers HSE view
Construction Skills Network Drivers 3.Contractors Home Builders Federation Major Home Builders Group Major Contractors Group National Contractors Federation A quality statement Employer Groupings (e.g. CC, CECA, NSCC Targets)
Construction Skills Network Green construction site operative card for general site workers Red trainee card for individuals registered for an NVQ Experienced worker card. Must have employer recommendation and be registered for NVQ 2 or higher Blue skilled card for NVQ 2 achievers or equivalent Gold card based on NVQ 3 for supervisors and technicians Platinum card based on NVQ 4 for managers Black card based on NVQ 5 for senior managers Yellow regular visitors card CSCS Cards Explained Gold skilled card for NVQ 3 achievers or equivalent
Construction Skills Network Alternative Routes Professional Membership Professionally Qualified Person Construction Related Occupation Card (CRO Card)
Construction Skills Network CSCS Cards Explained White Construction Related Occupations card covers over 600 occupations. The list of occupations can be found at
Construction Skills Network Affiliations Scaffolders (CISRS) Heating & Ventilation Plumbers (JIB-PMES), (SNI-JIB) Demolition Electricians CSR & SCORE Amalgamation of Construction Plant Schemes under name of CPCS
Construction Skills Network
Health and Safety Test The industry standard – minimum level of health and safety awareness: –Taken by 400,000 each year –Required to obtain/renew competence card Computer-based, multiple choice test –150 locations across the country –£17.50 (CITB-ConstructionSkills Grant aided) Preparation tools –1 day H&S Awareness Course, Test question book, CD-ROM and network DVD
Construction Skills Network
SkillsDirect One stop service, pulls together 3 key stages of getting qualified: –ConstructionSkills Health & Safety Test –Card application –Route to gaining a qualification (if needed) Currently only available for CSCS Costs £42.50 inc VAT, made up of –£17.50 for Test, £25 for card
Construction Skills Network Changes to 2007/2008 Grants Scheme
Construction Skills Network Full details of the 2007/2008 changes and the terms and conditions will be on our web site from 1 st August
Construction Skills Network Why increase grants? Improve grant expenditure : levy paid ratio (74% in 2007 rising to 90% in 2011) Increase the percentage of eligible employers claiming grant Encourage employers to take on Apprentices; qualify their workforce; adopt Training Plans
Construction Skills Network 2007/2008 Grants Scheme Forecast Grant increases in 2007/2008 are expected to result in an increase of £14 million available to employers Total forecast for 2007/2008 = Approximately £140 million
Construction Skills Network Apprenticeships Framework Achievements (A04 & A06) Apprenticeship Framework (A04) Increase from £1,250 to £1,750 Advanced Apprenticeship Framework (A06) Increase from £1,750 to £2,250
Construction Skills Network Apprenticeships Framework Achievements (A04 & A06) Will be payable on all achievements after 1 st August 2007, irrespective of when the Apprentice started their training
Construction Skills Network Increase from £25 per day to £35 per day Maximum amount claimable increases from £875 to £1,225 Technical & Professional Attendance SQA Advanced Construction Certification (A09)
Construction Skills Network Increase from £100 per week to £175 per week Maximum amount claimable increases from £5,000 to £8,750 Construction-related Work Experience (A19)
Construction Skills Network From 1 st August 2007 it is no longer a requirement for employers to give advance notice of a claim Only one claim now required at end of Grants Scheme year on GC2 spreadsheet Clarification that employers can also claim for additional training through Short Duration (B201/B202) or Training Plan (B102) grant Construction and Professional-related Work Experience (A19 and A21) Improvements
Construction Skills Network Site Safety Plus Achievement (A29) Attendance grant maintained at £35 per day Achievement of Site Safety Plus certificate for courses that complete on or after 1 st August 2007 Increase from the current £90 for all courses to: - 5-day Site Safety Management Training Scheme (SMSTS) = £250 3-day Site Safety for Shopfitters and Interior Contractors = £150 2-day Site Supervisors Safety Training Scheme = £100 2-day SMSTS refresher course = £100 5 day Plant course to be available in the near future Attendance on the three day Site Safety for Shopfitters and
Construction Skills Network NVQ/SVQ Achievement Grants (A31, A32, A33) A31 (Level 2); Increase from £350 to £500 A32 (Level 3); Increase from £450 to £700 A33 (Levels 4/5);Increase from £550 to £1000 (+43%) (+55%) (+82%)
Construction Skills Network NVQ/SVQ Achievement Grants (A31, A32, A33) Increase in NVQ/SVQ grants will have an effect on: - Apprenticeship grant package Craft Grant Non-apprenticeship package On Site Assessment and Training (OSAT) Plant
Construction Skills Network A brief word about Plant grants Review of CPCS currently underway Changes planned to simplify grants available CPCS to be re-launched early in 2008 Increase in Competency Card grant in line with increase in VQ rates
Construction Skills Network Increase in NVQ/SVQ and Framework achievement grants (A04, A06, A31, A32) Impact on apprenticeship grant package – 2 year apprenticeship = £650 increase overall (13.5%) 3 year apprenticeship = £1,400 increase overall (17.5%)
Construction Skills Network Effect of increase of achievement grants on Apprenticeship package 2006/2007 Proportions (% of grant total) Apprentice onlyAdvanced App. Commitment Attendance Achievement Total (%) /2008 Proportions (% of grant total) Apprentice onlyAdvanced App
Construction Skills Network NVQ/SVQ Achievement Grants (A31 and A32) Impact on Craft Grant Non Apprenticeship package – Dependant on Entry Point = £250 to £400 increase
Construction Skills Network Effect of increase of achievement grants on OSAT package Grants (A34A and A34B) NVQ/SVQ Level Profiling grant (£) 2006/07 achievement grant (£) 2006/07 Total grant (£) / Profiling grant (£) 2007/08 achievement grant (£) 2007/08 Total grant (£) ,0001, / /2008
Construction Skills Network Experienced Worker Practical Assessed Route (EWPA) through Skills Direct Full OSAT grant available in 2007/2008
Construction Skills Network Employment NTO Units (A37) Increase from £150 per unit to £300 per unit (L9 to L13, A1, A2, V1 and V2) One off grant payment of £300 to be available to employers who have to “buy-in” an Internal Verification service. Claimable on a GC1 claim form
Construction Skills Network Training & Development Plan Training Day (B102) Increase from £20 per day to £25 per day For all new and renewed Training Plans that start on or after 1st August 2007
Construction Skills Network Training & Development Plan On-line facility Project underway to provide an on-line claiming and management service for employers to allow for an improved and more flexible service Additional benefits for Field, Verification and Processing Teams
Construction Skills Network Age Discrimination Age Discrimination Regulations which came into effect 1 st October 2006 with an impact on Apprentice and Adult grants Apprentices Unable to restrict grant aid to age ranges that mirror funding streams Apprenticeship grant will be available to all ages provided other qualifying criteria are met. Employers will have to pay for college provision where ConstructionSkills cannot obtain funding.
Construction Skills Network Age Discrimination (cont.) Adult Craft (A08) Has been renamed “Craft Grant Non Apprenticeship” Grant support open to all ages Potential apprentices should be directed towards the Apprenticeship Grant package where more grant is available.
Construction Skills Network Supplementary Payment Eligibility Employers who do not pay Levy due to their high Labour-only Payments Received totals declared on their Levy Return will be eligible to Supplementary Payment in 2007/2008. Other qualifying criteria relating to the sending back of Levy Returns will still need to be met.
Construction Skills Network Grants Scheme Terms and Conditions Grant off-set Clarification that ConstructionSkills can offset any debt owed by an employer against grant that may be due.
Construction Skills Network Thank you Any questions?