TRANSMISSION & INTERCONNECTION PLANNING T&D BUSINESS UNIT 1 Current Differential Relay Specification WECC TSS August 20,2014 Amos Ang
TRANSMISSION & INTERCONNECTION PLANNING T&D BUSINESS UNIT 2 Agenda Purpose Background Relay Model Specification Work Involved Next Steps
TRANSMISSION & INTERCONNECTION PLANNING T&D BUSINESS UNIT Purpose To get approval from TSS for model specification Model purpose To model relay behavior in transient stability analysis To satisfy the new TPL standards of modeling the actions of protection relays for compliance Facilitate modeling interactions between RAS and Protection relays To facilitate transfer of information from System Protection to Transmission Planner and to other entities (i.e. coordination with your neighbor) Established a phased approach to implementing more functionality 3
TRANSMISSION & INTERCONNECTION PLANNING T&D BUSINESS UNIT Background Identified current differential relay as one of the most used primary protection for 200 kV and above MV&WG has approved the specifications on June 18,2014 4
TRANSMISSION & INTERCONNECTION PLANNING T&D BUSINESS UNIT Functional requirement of Relay Model can be applied to branches i.e. lines and transformers and also apply to multi-segmented or multi sectional lines Model can be applied to three terminal lines / three winding transformers Model will open only the branch(es) within its zone of protection Monitor only mode Can be applied to a specific set of branches through the zone/kV/area/owner specifications Can be applied to specific branches to override the general specifications stated above 6
TRANSMISSION & INTERCONNECTION PLANNING T&D BUSINESS UNIT Model Simplification 7 Details for detecting a fault within the zone of protection as done by the current differential relay is not necessary – Additional details does not add any more value – No known interactions from other system events so this is immune to power swings, etc. In simulation, the fault is applied by the engineer and so the initiating event for the model is the application of the fault on the branch After fault is applied, then associated breaker times, communication times, and relay delay times will open the appropriate branches
TRANSMISSION & INTERCONNECTION PLANNING T&D BUSINESS UNIT Modeling 2 Types of Current Differential Relay Model – A generic / general current differential model DIFFRLYG Applies to a set of branches by a priority list of kV range then a logical AND combination of Area / Zone / Owner Tripping and timings applies to all branches that meet the criteria and from bus to bus – A specific current differential model DIFFRLYS Applies to a specific branch or branch set Overrides the DIFFRLYG model Correctly defines the zone of protection that the DIFFRLYG cannot for such things as: –3 terminal lines –3 Winding Transformers –Multi-segmented and multi-sectional lines 8
TRANSMISSION & INTERCONNECTION PLANNING T&D BUSINESS UNIT Zone of Protection Correctly defining the zone of protection is important for this relay so the following are illustrations of what is defined as the zone of protection 9
TRANSMISSION & INTERCONNECTION PLANNING T&D BUSINESS UNIT DIFFRLYG ParameterTypeDescription AreaIntegerArea Number / -1 if not used ZoneIntegerZone Number / -1 if not used OwnerIntegerOwner Number / -1 if not used kV1FloatkV which the timings will be applied (for transformers high side) kV2FloatIf 0 then line else it is the low side of transformer kV3FloatTransformer (tertiary side), If not used = 0 MonitorInteger0 (alarm); 1 (trip) Tcb*FloatBreaker Time in Cycles TcC*FloatCommunication time and relay time delay (and lockout relay time) in Cycles 11 *Clearing time is the sum of Tcb and TcC
TRANSMISSION & INTERCONNECTION PLANNING T&D BUSINESS UNIT DIFFRLYS 12 ParameterTypeDescription Fb Integer1 st bus Sb Integer2 nd bus (for a three terminal line, this is the tap bus) Ckt1IntegerCircuit ID between 1 st bus and 2 nd bus or 3Winding XFMR ID Ckt2IntegerCircuit ID between Sb bus and Tb bus Ckt3IntegerCircuit ID between Sb bus and Ttb bus Tb Integer3 rd bus (far end of multi-segment line or three terminal line), 0 if not used TTb Integer3 rd bus (tertiary for XFMR or third bus of a three terminal line) MonitorInteger0 (alarm); 1 (trip) Tcb*FloatBreaker Time in Cycles TcC*FloatCommunication time and relay time delay (and lockout relay time) in Cycles *Clearing time is the sum of Tcb and TcC
TRANSMISSION & INTERCONNECTION PLANNING T&D BUSINESS UNIT Work Involved If Protection has set the differential current relays the same for a certain voltage class then the work involved is: – One line in the master dyd for all 230 kV lines in area 24 Ex. diffrlyg: ‘area’24, ‘zone’-1, ‘owner’-1, ‘kV1’ 230, ‘kV2’ 0, ‘kV3’ 0, ‘monitor’ 1, ‘Tcb’ 4, ‘TcC’ 2 If the zone of protection is more complicated then the DIFFRLYS is used and that overrides the DIFFRLYG model 13
TRANSMISSION & INTERCONNECTION PLANNING T&D BUSINESS UNIT Next Steps Phase 2 – Apply to bus differential protection – once node-breaker model is used in WECC base cases 14