Available for less than $10 per month/per representative* *Depending on size of Broker Dealer
Available for less than $30 per month/per representative* *Depending on Broker Dealer size
Social Media Content 140 character posts linking to relevant news and/or items of interest
Social Media Posting Made Easy with MarketingLibrary Manage Social Media from within your account
Social Media Posting Made Easy with MarketingLibrary Link your Social Media accounts and easily “push” content to them
MarketingPro Automated Campaigns Set 25 years worth of client greeting cards in just a few minutes. Just make sure your contact’s birth date is on file – the system does the rest. Add new clients to the campaign as you choose. Just log in once each year to select a new design. That’s it.
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Many Technology Partner Integrations Redtail, AdvisorWebsites, Smarsh
RedTail Contact and Group Sync Improved user experience for reps to choose the groups they want to sync
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Social Media Automation Schedule social media campaigns at your desired frequency
MarketingPro The leader in marketing automation for financial professionals Contact Jennifer French VP, Key Accounts
Trivia Question In our commercial, what marketing company do we mock?