Alcohol is a DRUG!. Why is alcohol considered a drug? Well lets learn what a drug is; It is a chemical or substance that is taken to cause changes in.


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Presentation transcript:

Alcohol is a DRUG!

Why is alcohol considered a drug? Well lets learn what a drug is; It is a chemical or substance that is taken to cause changes in a person’s body or behavior. Alcohol causes changes in a person body and behavior, therefore it is a DRUG! Alcohol is a very strong depressant. A depressant is a drug that slows brain and body reactions. Drinking alcohol may cause confusion, decreased alertness, poor coordination, blurred vision and drowsiness. If a person drinks large amounts of alcohol, vital functions such as heartbeat and breathing can seriously be affected, resulting in DEATH!

Not all alcoholic beverages contain the same amount of alcohol. The alcohol content of alcoholic beverages typically ranges from 4%-50%.

Teens and Alcohol Using alcohol under the age of 21 is ILLEGAL Schools often have a ZERO-TOLERANCE policy in place. If you are caught with drugs or alcohol even once you will suffer stiff consequences, including suspension. Lets talk about who influences teens to use alcohol; peers, family, and the media strongly influence underage drinking.

Influence of peers: Teens often drink to fit in or do what they think their classmates are doing Teens who choose friends who avoid alcohol will have an easier time refusing it themselves Some teens refuse alcohol because they have a friend with an alcohol problem Some teens refuse because they know a friend or family member who was killed because of drinking

Influence of family: Teens report that parents and other family members are important influences on their decisions about alcohol A majority of teens want their parents’ guidance in making decisions about alcohol use Although your parents may seem tough on you, their rules and advice can help you steer clear of alcohol and other drugs

Influence of the media: Companies that sell alcohol bombard the public with advertisements for beer, wine, liquor, and other beverages TV commercials and magazine ads often show drinkers in beautiful outdoor settings, at fun-filled parties, or enjoying sports The ads give false impressions that drinking will make you more popular and attractive. When in all reality, alcohol and drugs can give you wrinkles and make you age faster BEFORE DRINKING AFTER DRINKING

**Alcohol is the leading cause of death among teenagers** Risks of Underage Drinking: Being injured or killed in a car accident Committing or being the victim of sexual assault or other violence Long-term brain damage Problems with alcohol later in life Suspension from school, sports teams, or other school activities

Lets quickly recap what we’ve learned here.. Alcohol is a DRUG. Alcohol is a depressant. Not all alcoholic drinks contain the same amount of alcohol. Drinking under the age of 21 is ILLEGAL. Schools have a zero-tolerance policy. Peers, media and family are all influential in the decision to drink or not drink alcohol. Drinking will make you look OLD. Alcohol is the leading cause of death among teenagers. DON’T DRINK.