Locomotion Exploiting Body Dynamics - Semester Project - Student: Matteo de Giacomi Supervisor: Jonas Buchli
INTRODUCTION - Purpose of the project - The Puppy II robot - The CPG - Turning
Project objectives Develop a stable and controllable galloping gait for a quadruped robot endowed with passive dynamics Use of a CPG based on Hopf oscillators
Puppy II 4 hip motors 1 spring per knee (passive dynamics) Sensors (inertia, touch, tortion, IR) Parameters: Amplitude Frequency Center of rotation
CPG Fully connected system Matrix describing a galloping in this system: FLFR RLRR
Turning CPG: generates the basic galloping gait Turn: modifies the basic rythm so that the robot can turn Actuate:“translates“ the obtained values in values consistent with the robot architecture. CPG Turn Actuate basic rythm feedback Complete behaviour
Turning – Setpoint control Idea: modify the basic position of each leg with a small value FL FR RL RR +Δs+Δs - Δs + Δs - Δs
Turning – Amplitude Control Idea: Increase the amplitude of movement of two ipsilateral legs and decrease the amplitude of their two opposites.
PERFORMED TESTS - Introduction - Straight Locomotion - Setpoint Control - Amplitude Control
General Framework Variables influencing PuppyII‘s behaviour: Amplitude Frequency Centers of oscillation Centers of rotation have been fixed: PuppyII tilted 15° to the front
Test 1: Straight Locomotion (1) Measure of linear speed depending on Amplitude and Frequency 1 measure: space covered over 5 sec 5 measures per test
Test 1: Straight Locomotion (2) Under certain limits in amplitude and frequency, locomotion is stable Amplitude seems a good way to control the robot‘s speed
Videos: Straight Locomotion
Tests on Turning Behaviour (1) Fixed camera 2.45m over the robot Robot equipped with a red led on its back Robot behaviour filmed for various parameters Tracking of the robot (red spot) Circle estimation in Matlab Estimation of the turning radius of the robot depending on the used parameters
Tests on turning behaviour (2) Example of circle estimation on tracked trajectory
Video: Turning
Test 2: Setpoint Control At almost every speed (amplitude) it‘s possible to obtain a good turning behaviour with a good variety of turning radius
Test 3: Amplitude Control At high speed (amplitudes) the turning radius doesn‘t seem to be affected by the used parameter At low speeds some localized peaks emerge: the robot CAN‘T turn there!
CONCLUSION - Discussion - Further works
Discussion Amplitude is a good way to control the robot‘s speed in a range of values contrained by the enviroment and by the robot itself. Setpoint control is a good way to precisely control the turning radius of the robot Amplitude control permits large turns at high speeds. At low speed shows a strange behaviour. Feature of the used springs?
Further Works Feedback can improve the gait? Embed the turning part in the oscillators themself may be useful? We fixed some parameters (frequency and setpoints). What happens if we change them?
THE END Thank you! Any Question?