eTutoring at the University of York Ian Cole Copyright © ijc2005
Session Overview Introduction to the course Introduction to eTutoring Overview of the Blackboard VLE On-line activities
Introduction to the course 3 week course (min 10 hours). An introduction to the skills & main issues surrounding e-learning. Mix of online tasks, discussions and reading (3 main tasks per week). List of activities on page 5 of handbook.
On-line What!!! What's the difference? On-line Moderation On-line Facilitation On-line Tutoring Nothing they are all the same
Online Tutoring What is Online Tutoring? “ the act of managing learners and learning through an online medium ” (AFLN) “ managing the communication of others online ” (Coghlan 2001) “ move from ‘ sage on the stage ’, to ‘ guide on the side ’” (Kempe 2001)
Role of the online tutor/trainer Be a content expert build online libraries & resource pathways capture & retain big audiences Be available 24 hours a day, synchronously & asynchronously enable skills development & adoption of in-house knowledge culture in e-learners Value & work with diversity mobilise active learning relate to students without meeting, promote student ownership of learning process Mentor and creatively e-moderate build online groups & communities Lead information exchange & knowledge construction processes. Gilly Salmon CIPD National Conference October 2001
Skills for e-tutor/e-moderators Online communication skills (not just software) use of time online support & counselling creativity & flexibility ability to work cross culturally & with diversity online assessment of achievement resource guidance & monitoring Flexibility Empathy willing to be trained in e-moderating Gilly Salmon CIPD National Conference October 2001
Effective Online Tutoring Lecturer – ‘sage on the stage’ Provider of answers and content Solitary tutor Total control of teaching environment Power over teaching experience Consultant – ‘guide on the side’ Expert questioner and designs the experience Team member Shared control with fellow learners Shared power with students Traditional Vs Online Learning
Effective Online Tutoring Designing right mix of on & off-line activities Keeping tabs on individual students progress Catering for different learning needs Dealing with the pragmatics – admin, support, time Avoiding the dangers of misinterpretation of text. Dealing with ‘ silences ’ and getting students involved CHALLENGES
Effective Online Tutoring Finding the right voice to communicate Finding the balance between private & public discussion Standing back and allowing students to discover the power and potential of the medium – not dominating CHALLENGES
Effective Online Tutoring Motivated Approachable Visible Explicit Pro-active Discreet Collaborative Technically capable Credible An eTutor needs to be:
Blackboard VLE General structure of the Bb menus and breadcrumbs Announcements Discussion groups Course materials Weekly activities Collaborative areas (use the Virtual Classroom for short general chat) Additional tools
eLearning Educational Models Educational Models There are essentially three basic educational models to be used with elearning. Each model has a variety of different approaches within each approach. Instructor-Led Online Teaching – teaching online mediated by a live tutor, such as virtual classroom seminar/lecture, training session. live classes are delivered over a web-based or video conference system. Self Taught - the use of media or text to learn by one’s own effort. Blended – blended learning uses a structured combination of media to present, practice and evaluate instruction. This model can include on-line instruction, mentoring/instructor led support, and various sources of information and practice from text and electronic media.
Taken from eLearning Educational Models