Criminal procedure Anna Krpcová Simona Růžičková Jan Macl
Principles No one can be prosecuted otherwise than for legitimate reasons and in the manner provided by law Presumption of innocence Hearings are oral and public ◦ except of hearings including children
Steps of criminal procedure crime reported investigation by police investigation of suspect apprehension of suspect charge of suspect remand in custodyrelease on bail interrogation of accused and interrogation of witnesses appearance in court verdict of jury judgment of judge conviction of accusedacquittal of accused sentence by judge appeal against judgment
Means of proof evidence of witnesses – anybody can be a witness (including children and mentally disabled persons) documentary evidence - the document must be authentic real evidence - a view of real evidence - trying to prove how the act happened
Punishments Imprisonment ◦ Length: few days lifetime ◦ Suspended – offender is not in prison, but if (s)he commits a crime again -> sent to prison ◦ House arrest Fine ◦ for less serious crimes Community service ◦ unpaid work for a town/village, social institution… Corporal punishment ◦ in some countries – e.g. cutting off a hand (theft) Capital punishment ◦ lethal injection (USA), electrocution, shooting (China) ◦ Many countries have abolished it
crime reported investigation by police investigation of suspect apprehension of suspect charge of suspect remand in custody release on bail interrogation of accused and interrogation of witnesses appearance in court verdict of jury judgment of judge conviction of accused acquittal of accused sentence by judge appeal against judgment