Team 2 Kevin West, Tom Dinh, Even Armstrong, Tyler Anderson
External Search/Product Analysis Literary Review, Patent Search, Benchmarking Product Dissection Initial Assessment Customer Needs Gathering Customer Needs Assessment (Hierarchal Needs List, AHP) Concept Generation Individual Design Creation
Kevin Needs Assessment Background Research Presentation Evan Literary Review Patent Review Pictures Thomas Needs Assessment Progress Report Tyler Background Research Benchmarking Communal Brainstorming Concept Generation
Location: Nigeria Oil Production: Economic Backbone 9 th largest in the world 80% of foreign exchange earnings One of the fastest growing economies Urban and Rural Nigeria Filtration Goal: Remove all harmful materials from water Top priority: Kill all bacteria that causes disease. More information in AHP
Many rivers in Nigeria Major Rivers: Niger and Benue 35% of people have access to clean water Community ownership and operation of rural water sources. Many filters are not operational.
Silver- Impregnated Activated Carbon Brita Filter Membrane filter of 5 micron size
According to several reports, some form of Ceramic Filtration with activated carbon has been proven the most cost-efficient and effective way of purifying the waters of Africa. 100% of the water that was filtrated with the Ceramic Filter was free of bacteria, while water that was not filtered was only 15.5% free from bacteria. In a report by UMI, they claim that water treatment by Ceramic Filtration reduces diarrhea by its consumers by 30-40%. Diarrhea is a major cause of death in developing countries because it causes the person to become dehydrated
Types of Possible Filtrations Coal Filter, Paper Filter, Micro Screen Filter, Iodine, Ultraviolent Light, Boiling Water, Portability
Scale: 1 is the lowest…4 is the highest Compared 4 different filters Carbon/Charcoal Filter, Brita Water Filter, UV radiation, Ceramic Filter
AHP made through research Three main categories People & Use: How many people can use it and how simple is it to operate? Purification: How well does it clean out harmful materials in the water? Production: How easy is it made, fixed, and maintained?
Most important feature is purification of water Make filter with material naturally available to Nigeria Easy to maintain and fix Simple Design
External Design Internal FiltrationInternal Detoxification