How can you help your child be a successful reader?
Read to or with them Parents are key reading role models. High frequency reading parents are six times more likely to have high frequency reading kids. (2008 Kids & Family Reading Report)2008 Kids & Family Reading Report
Expose them to reading materials! The more types of reading materials there are in the home, the higher students are in reading proficiency, according to the Educational Testing Service. 3 Children who grow up in homes where books are plentiful go further in school than those who don’t. Children with low- education families can do as well as children with high-education families if they have access to books at home. (Family scholarly culture and educational success: Books and schooling in 27 nations)
Make reading fun !
Resources Scholastic Storyline Online directory/?sort=titleb Rrockets Can Do Helper Page
Resources for kids Tumblebooks- school online database Fry Words from Alligator Apps Hungry Monster- word builders Spelling Magic 2
What your child should know before 1st grade starts: Be able to read books with patterns BOY Reading Level- D EOY Reading Level- J, K- Guided Know alphabet and letter sounds Know sights words.
Ways to help improve sight word recognition: Read often Fry Words App Flash cards/ word lists
Word lists
Ways to help your child finish a book. Choose a “just right” book. Allow them time to tell you about their book. Watch out for fake reading.
Ways to Improve Writing Provide opportunities for writing. Grocery list Letters to relatives Journal about summer events Write stories (Book Creator)
Read to or with them