M INNESOTA M EDICAL F OUNDATION at the University of Minnesota Do doctors care about their medical school after they’ve completed their education? Rika M. YoungMay 18, 2004
MINNESOTA MEDICAL FOUNDATION at the University of Minnesota Dedicated to supporting the advancement of health-related education and research
M INNESOTA M EDICAL F OUNDATION at the University of Minnesota Functions Raise money: alumni, residents, others Communicate news from the University of Minnesota Medical School: publications, web site, events
M INNESOTA M EDICAL F OUNDATION at the University of Minnesota Research Question Do the communications of the Minnesota Medical Foundation meet the needs of Alumni and Residents of the U of M Medical School?
M INNESOTA M EDICAL F OUNDATION at the University of Minnesota Operational Definitions Alumni: Doctors who received their medical degree (M.D.) at the University of Minnesota. Residents: Doctors who completed post-graduate medical training at the University of Minnesota, but who did not receive their M.D. from the U of M.
M INNESOTA M EDICAL F OUNDATION at the University of Minnesota Methodology 2 telephone surveys: alumni, residents Completed U of M education between 1990 and questions identical on each survey –Amount of mail received –Readership of publications –Interest in e-communications
M INNESOTA M EDICAL F OUNDATION at the University of Minnesota Alumni Survey 620 alumni 227 (37%) responded 11 questions
M INNESOTA M EDICAL F OUNDATION at the University of Minnesota Resident Survey 552 residents 242 (43%) responded 13 questions
M INNESOTA M EDICAL F OUNDATION at the University of Minnesota How often do you receive mailings from the U of M or Minnesota Medical Foundation?
M INNESOTA M EDICAL F OUNDATION at the University of Minnesota Do you read the Medical Bulletin you receive 3 times per year?
M INNESOTA M EDICAL F OUNDATION at the University of Minnesota If not, why don’t you read the Medical Bulletin? Lack of time Too many publications to read Not interesting Other priorities
M INNESOTA M EDICAL F OUNDATION at the University of Minnesota Which types of articles are/would be of interest to you? Educational articles –Clinical and patient care –Medical research conducted at the U of M Information articles –News items about the medical school –Faculty or alumni news –Medical student news –News about donors and funded projects
M INNESOTA M EDICAL F OUNDATION at the University of Minnesota Are you interested in receiving Medical School and alumni news via an ?
M INNESOTA M EDICAL F OUNDATION at the University of Minnesota Desired Frequency of Newsletter
M INNESOTA M EDICAL F OUNDATION at the University of Minnesota May we ask for your address? Provided their address Want to receive an newsletter Alumni15156 Residents14197
M INNESOTA M EDICAL F OUNDATION at the University of Minnesota Conclusions University of Minnesota Medical Bulletin Newsletters
M INNESOTA M EDICAL F OUNDATION at the University of Minnesota Do the communications of the Minnesota Medical Foundation meet the needs of Alumni and Residents of the U of M Medical School? Yes
M INNESOTA M EDICAL F OUNDATION at the University of Minnesota Thank You