OPTIRAIL WORKSHOP · OCTOBER 23, 2014 · BRUSSELS Overview of WP2: “Analysis of the transferability of tools”
OPTIRAIL WORKSHOP · OCTOBER 23, 2014 · BRUSSELS Work package objectives Describe frameworks and methodologies for maintenance optimization used in other sectors/industries with comparable infrastructures. Assess applicability of these methods for maintenance optimization for old railway infrastructure and, specifically, in railway freight corridors. Synthesize and adapt methods for use in maintenance optimization for railway infrastructure. Reformulation and improvement of these approaches based on fuzzy logic for subsequent computer based implementation.
OPTIRAIL WORKSHOP · OCTOBER 23, 2014 · BRUSSELS Case studis Electricity transmission Gas transmission Water distribution Aerospace
OPTIRAIL WORKSHOP · OCTOBER 23, 2014 · BRUSSELS The Assessment Matrix A total of 25 common elements related to maintenance identified over the cause of the case studies. Tools and methods from the studied industries are presented in the assessment matrix to provide further inspiration for methods to be adopted and applied to railway infrastructure maintenance. Each identified element has been allocated to one of five themes; Coordination and Information (1), RCM – Maintenance Strategy (2), Data (3), Analysis and Methods (4) and Decision support (5). An initial ranking of the importance of each element has been proposed. The matrix is intended to be continuously updated throughout the project based on input from the infrastructure administrators involved in Optirail.
OPTIRAIL WORKSHOP · OCTOBER 23, 2014 · BRUSSELS Findings The four industries in the case studies operate under different frameworks regarding rules and regulations, ownership and responsibility, resulting in large differences within and between industries. However, certain objectives are common in all four studied industries: Among these are costs incurred by investment, personnel and down-time, and benefits in the form of increased safety or risk levels (reduced probability of unwanted incident and/or reduced effect of incidents) and effects on safety of supply. Effects on the environment may be positive or negative, depending on the projected.
OPTIRAIL WORKSHOP · OCTOBER 23, 2014 · BRUSSELS Findings (continued) Academic literature presents a range of methods and tools for maintenance management of critical infrastructure. The adaptions by industry of these methods and tools are however very limited. Larger actors in each industry tend to be closer to the leading edge in maintenance management. This involves the development of degradation models based on condition monitoring-data, and the ranking of alternative maintenance and renewal projects.
OPTIRAIL WORKSHOP · OCTOBER 23, 2014 · BRUSSELS Findings (continued) A general trend is an increase in the amount of data made available to contribute to efficient maintenance management. Still there is a high degree of manual input and subjective reasoning on the state of the infrastructure and the prioritization of maintenance and renewal activities.
Prioritized elements for adapting to railway industry Regulations on cross-border coordination Standardization and harmonization Inter-European database on rail infrastructure (incl. failure data) Adaption to local conditions Coordination and dialogue between actors (in the transport value chain) Monetization of effects/consequences Holistic mindset The (very-) Long-term perspective