The Sense of Coherence, Information Mastering and Health Åbo June 7, 2007 Stefan Ek Åbo Akademi University
Objective To give a brief introduction: to the conception of ”Sense of Coherence” (Antonovsky 1979; 1987) to the conception of ”Information Literacy” (called ”Information Mastering” in this context) to the close relationship between these two concepts
Background the SOC can be measured by the orientation to life questionnaire, or the sense of coherence scale numerous studies have shown that the sense of coherence (SOC) covariates with the state of health
The Sense of Coherence (SOC) –a global orientation (world view) that expresses the extent to which one has a pervasive, enduring though dynamic feeling of confidence that:
1. Comprehensibility the stimuli deriving from one's internal and external environments in the course of living are structured, predictable, and explicable; the life-world is somewhat consistent The cognitive component
2. Manageability the resources are available to one to meet the demands posed by the stimuli; the underload-overload balance, or a critical tolerance load applied to both ends of the load spectrum is important here The instrumental component
3. Meaningfulness these demands are challenges, worthy of investment and engagement; participation in decision-making is important here -it is important to stress that the crucial point is not control, but participation The motivational component
Human information processing the more complex the messages directed at a person → → → the greater the potential for noise rather than information → → → the greater the difficulty in integrating information in the internal processing system (knowledge construction) → → → the greater the danger of confusion of output
SOC is thus determined by: 1.the extent to which a person is linked to social structures from which 2.information is received, and 3.the extent to which a person is capable of integrating the information and 4.transmitting further information to the social structures, which 5.are expected to provide appropriate feedback
The "world of information" is crucial in the five-stage model underpinning the SOC theory how people cope with information affects their health and makes them move towards either health or sickness if these information based definitions of the SOC are interpreted in an information science context, one could say that a person equipped with a strong SOC must also be able to master information
Antonovsky 1989: "We people are perpetually bombarded by information, we are exposed to stressors that demand a new way of thinking and new conclusions. How we deal with information affects our health, make us move towards either health or sickness"
Information Literacy the term "information literacy" was coined in the mid-seventies (Paul Zurkowski 1974) - technique- and task-oriented definition - the setting was the work-place
Definition of Information Literacy:... "to recognize when information is needed and have the ability to locate, evaluate, and use effectively the needed information" (American Library Association 1989) this definition also forms the basis for health information literacy (Medical Library Association 2003) and for people's life- long learning
it has even been stated that health information literacy is the most important predictor of an individual's health status (DeBuono 2006) the ability to read, understand and act on health information are crucial for one's health status (DeBuono 2006, Rudd, Kirsch & Yamamoto 2004)
Illiteracy has been called: "the silent epidemic" (Marcus 2006) and "a hidden epidemic" (DeBuono 2006)
Why Information Mastering? Information Literacy research has pre- dominantly been done in educational and work-place settings blurry understanding; information literacy is variously understood as - a process - a skill - a competence
to understand information literacy in a socio-cultural setting of everyday life, a more holistic approach is needed in everyday life environments with their multiple and complex sources of information the term information mastering is more accurate
information mastering could be defined as a meta-literacy, i.e., a set of literacies which enable new skills and knowledge in a variety of contexts thus, information mastering can be seen as a generic term of various understandings of information literacy
Conclusions the sociological theory around the sense of coherence is closely related to the information "meta-literacy", i.e. mastering, conception in the field of information science → → → -SOC could be an effective tool in the investigation of information mastering SOC offers an obvious advantage in regards to other theories in this area of research, because the sense of coherence scale is a formula, which makes it possible to empirically test the strength or quality of the ability to manage and process information