T ODAY ’ S T OPICS Connecting to the UF Network GatorLink Account Management Your Computing Services & Resources Unbelievably CHEAP discounted academic software! (in some cases FREE)
C ONNECTING TO THE UF N ETWORK Peer2Peer Software & Activity is FORBIDDEN on ANY UF Network Types of connections: Wired vs. Wireless Wired: Requires Ethernet Cable Wireless 1st time set up by connecting to ‘ufinfo’ and running auto-configuration at getonline.ufl.edu Every other time connect to ‘uf’ wireless
UF W IRELESS E XPERIENCE Connecting to ‘uf’ wireless requires compliance with Network Access Control (NAC) system. Checks that your computer meets minimum system requirements for connection Checks for system updates and up-to-date malware detection software If not up-to-date, the NAC will restrict network access Only resources needed for updates will be accessible until network requirements are met If you change your GatorLink password, then the auto- configuration will need to be re-run.
UF W IRELESS E XPERIENCE 1st time access:
G ATOR L INK A CCOUNT M ANAGEMENT login.ufl.edu Store a strong password hint. NEVER share your password!
B E A WARE ! The Help Desk will NEVER send an asking for you to validate your account and/or confirm your password. If you receive a suspicious or strange from UF, call the Help Desk at (352)392-HELP(4357) to validate the message. Find more information at:
G ATOR C LOUD : S TUDENT E -M AIL IN THE C LOUD 50GB of Storage Office Online Access University of Florida Access Access from Web & Mobile Devices outlook.com/ufl.edu outlook.com/ufl.edu Find more features and information at
C OMPUTING S ERVICES & R ESOURCES e-Learning and other UF Sites Supported browsers vary by UF websites Help Desk has a list on our wiki wiki.helpdesk.ufl.edu > FAQs wiki.helpdesk.ufl.edu Computing Labs and Printing Services Print in any lab with your laptop or mobile device!
S OFTWARE AND C OMPUTING R ESOURCES Secunia (Windows only) Statistical Media SPSS SAS AMOS Apps.ufl.edu – cloud based software Now including some Adobe products for a fee Lynda.com access File-Express “Drop-Box”-Type Service Front Door (Laptop Protection) And more!
UF M OBILE A PP Available for iOS and Android through the app stores. Search for ‘University of Florida’ Allows you to access UF websites on the go. Can also visit: m.ufl.edu.m.ufl.edu
G ETTING H ELP Where do students go for help? UF Computing Help Desk Phone: (352) 392 – HELP (4357) Web: In person: HUB 132 Add us as a contact on your phone!
T ECHNOLOGY AND Y OU ! P REVIEW 2015 Download this PowerPoint at: Like us on Facebook! Follow us on Twitter!