Quality Assurance in the Primary School
External Accreditation ISI Inspection – every 3 years 1.Student Learning and Achievement 2.Quality of Teaching 3.Pastoral Care / extra curricular 4.Leadership Management / Governance
Learning Walks 1.Does the classroom environment help children learn? 2.Does it enthuse children to want to come to school? 3 x Recorded learning walks 2 x Peer learning walks Informal learning walk (ongoing)
Planning and Work Scrutinies 1.Is the work the children are doing appropriate, sufficient, engaging? 2.Is feedback helping children with their learning? 3 x Planning scrutiny 3 x Coordinator work scrutiny 2 x Tea Party with the Head
Lesson Observations 1.How is the standard of teaching? 2.Are children learning as best as they can? 2 x Official lesson observations
Peer Observation 1.How can I improve my teaching? 2.Links with PDR 3x Peer observations 1x week for TA swap
Assessment Data Discussions 1.Are assessment results in line with teach assessment? 2.Do any children need to be placed on the watch-out list. 3.Predictions and potential. 3x assessment data discussions
Curriculum Review 1.Can the curriculum offered be improved? 1x curriculum review
Quality Assurance Timetable: PBS Primary TERM 1TERM 2TERM 3 RECORDED LEARNING WALKS 1X (HOS & D.H) WK: 15 th September 1X (HOS & D.H) WK: 19 th January 1X (HOS & D.H) WK: 27 th April PEER LEARNING WALK 1 x (all staff) WK: 12 th November 1 x (all staff) WK: 18 th March NA INFORMAL LEARNING WALKS ON GOING (weekly) HOS, D.H., S.C. ON GOING (weekly) HOS, D.H., S.C. ON GOING (weekly) HOS, D.H., S.C. PEER BOOK LOOK 1 x (all staff) WK: 26 th November 1 x (all staff) WK: 4 th March NA SUBJECT COORDINATOR WORK SCRUTINY 1X (S.C.) WK: 29 th September 1X(S.C.) WK: 26 th January 1X(S.C.) WK: 11 th May FORMAL LESSON OBSERVATIONS All new staff with Head by half term (WK of 13 th October) All staff by Head by end of term 1 1 teacher in each milepost to be observed by a deputy head and / or subject coordinator PEER OBSERVATION & COACHING (part of PDR) 1 x (all staff) on-going TA SWAP On-going throughout the year. All TAs to swap for one week with another TA. Feedback forms filled out by both TAs and teachers Timetable agreed in 2 nd Week of term 2. CURRICULUM REVIEWS X 1 (HOS, SC and Staff) WK: 18 th May FRIDAY CHILDREN TEA PARTY WITH THE HEAD Yr3 – 10 th October Yr2 – 17 th October Yr1 – 24 th October Yr6 – 7 th November Yr5 – 14 th November Yr4 – 21 st November Yr3 – 30 th January Yr2 – 6 th February Yr1 – 13 th February Yr6 – 27 th February Yr5 – 6 th March Yr4 – 13 th March NA PLANNING SCRUTINY X 1 (SC and KLT/VLT) 22 nd September X 1 (SC and KLT/VLT) 19 th January X 1 (SC and KLT/VLT) 4 th May ASSESSMENT DATA DISCUSSION WK 20 th October InCAS / PIPS and NC data scrutiny. Each Year group to submit a report Meeting with Learning support teachers regards watchout lists. Transition Meetings between current and new teachers Look at NC results