Quality Assurance & Customer Service Presentation Mahmoud Elhefnawi April 2013 Mahmoud Elhefnawi April 2013
ContentsContents 2- Services process Model 3- Process development 6- Services KPI- Small control loop 1- Quality Assurance organization chart 7- Audits Procedure - large control loop 5- QA / customer service controlling procedures 8- Call center management 9- Services customer voice concept 10- Customer voice -job order form 4- Services Handbook 12- Customer satisfaction Surveys 11- Customer voice– Happy call 13- Customer complaints management system 14- Customer Satisfaction Award 15- Telesales system 16- SMS System
1. Quality Assurance Organizational chart Service Director Hussam Ibrahim Service Director Hussam Ibrahim QA / customer service Manager Mahmoud Elhefnawi QA / customer service Manager Mahmoud Elhefnawi QA audit supervisor Call center agent 2 employees Call center agent 2 employees Telesales call center agent 2 outsourced Telesales call center agent 2 outsourced Electronics agent 5 outsourced Electronics agent 5 outsourced Pro-clean agent 1 outsourced Pro-clean agent 1 outsourced
Market research Service package development (features & contracts) Process Development (SOP) Service Selling Service rendering & KPI Field feedback 2. Services process Model
3. Process development Methodology We use the standard SIPOC model for developing our process (supplier-input-process-output- customer) Process description (home service SOP’s ) outputSupplierInputCustomer ESP customer Home service request via call center Receiving customer request / call center procedure Home service request procedure Repaired item Repair time is less than 14 days Response within 24 hrs. ESP customer
4. Services Handbook Service’s Handbook is established to fully describe the services operation in confirmation with the ISO9001:2008 guides, it is the container for all SOP’s to serve 3 objectives: 1- reference manual for all staff 2- training materials for new hired staff 3- to ease the opening of new stores
5. QA Customer Service Controlling procedures Controlling procedures 5. QA Customer Service Controlling procedures Controlling procedures Audit procedure Customer satisfaction award procedure Happy calls procedure Complaint management procedure Document control procedure Telesales procedure
6. Services KPI - Small control loop The How? 6. Services KPI - Small control loop The How? Again, based on SIPOC process model, for the output part we develop the KPIs to measure the effectiveness ( actual performance / commitment to customer), and the efficiency ( consumed resources/ planned resources).
6.1. Services KPI- Small control loop The What? 6.1. Services KPI- Small control loop The What? # of over due pending cases % of ESP cases closure rate within 72 Hr % of ESP cases without loaner after 3 days % of cases closure rate- within 14 days average repair time (days) % of customer complaints through call center % of satisfied customers ESP customer satisfaction survey Electronics customer satisfaction survey Response Rate (ESP Home Service) # of over due pending cases % of ESP cases closure rate within 72 Hr % of ESP cases without loaner after 3 days % of cases closure rate- within 14 days average repair time (days) % of customer complaints through call center % of satisfied customers ESP customer satisfaction survey Electronics customer satisfaction survey Response Rate (ESP Home Service) # of over due hardware pending cases % of Force tel solved cases % of answered force tel calls Forcetel average call time (min) % of Force 24/7 cases closure rate (software) % of Force 24/7 cases closure rate (hardware) Software average repair time (days) Jawwaly average installation time D3M average repair time (days) Hardware average repair time (days) % of satisfied customers (forcetel/ HW repair/ D3M/ Jawwaly) Force 24/7 customer satisfaction survey % of Force 24/7 / Jawwaly customer complaints # of over due hardware pending cases % of Force tel solved cases % of answered force tel calls Forcetel average call time (min) % of Force 24/7 cases closure rate (software) % of Force 24/7 cases closure rate (hardware) Software average repair time (days) Jawwaly average installation time D3M average repair time (days) Hardware average repair time (days) % of satisfied customers (forcetel/ HW repair/ D3M/ Jawwaly) Force 24/7 customer satisfaction survey % of Force 24/7 / Jawwaly customer complaints Electronics KPI Smart business KPI
6.2. Services KPI- Small control loop The Tool 6.2. Services KPI- Small control loop The Tool KPI system is an In House Application (IHA), developed by IT to provide Services department with all KPI required to monitor process performance
6.3. Services KPI- Small control loop The KPI Charts 6.3. Services KPI- Small control loop The KPI Charts KPI review meeting is held every Wednesday, as a result corrective actions are taken for the missed-targets.
7. Audits Procedure - Large control loop Audit procedure is established to measure the adherence degree of our operations to the designed and documented procedures and processes. Audit check list is designed to satisfy the requirements of the norms ISO9001 for system audit, and VDA6.3 – Services for process audit Audits are conducted by a qualified and certified auditor.qualified and certified auditor Audit plan Audit procedure
Audit finding report/ corrective actions/ due dates / follow ups 7.1. Audits Procedure - Large control loop Cont./
8. Call Center Management Call center is an outsourced center located in Jeddah. The call center delivers the following business activities:- Force -Tel 7 agents (extra's employees) 24/7 Technical support for ForceTel customers (inbound) Electronics repair 5 agents (Outsourced) Receiving customer inquiries (inbound) Receiving and recording home service requests (inbound) Business Activity Assigned resourceTasks QA2 agents (extra employees) Happy calls (outbound), short survey with 2 questions with customers who enjoyed our service Recording customer complaints (inbound), using eXtra database Pro-clean1 agent (Outsourced) Receiving customer inquiries (inbound) Receiving and recording home visit requests (inbound) Telesales2 agents (Outsourced) Conducting telesales for the new projects (quick-fix), using in house application system
8.1. Call center daily performance reports Calls breakdown Report:- Daily average calls 250 Agents Service Level Report:- Service level agreement 85%, Abd. 3%
9. Services customer voice concept F/B via call center (happy calls, customer complaints) F/B via customer survey F/B during & after service Directly (service Job Order Form) customer eXtra
10. Customer voice - Job order form Home service job order form and the feedback from the customer mentioned in the bottom of the page
11.1. Customer voice– Happy call Mission closed on the mission system Closed mission listed in the happy call system Call center agent calls the customer and conduct survey Happy calls results are reviewed by services supervisors and corrective actions are taken Summary statistics are reviewed during KPI meeting Happy call is a short customer survey, takes 5 minutes with 2 questions ( did you receive the service & are you happy with our service) Done by call center agent Done for all repair missions Done for 10% of installation missions
11.2. Customer voice– Happy call Happy-call system reports and graphs are auto generated
11.3. Customer Satisfaction Results from happy calls Customer Satisfaction Results from happy calls * In 2008, it was manual calculation, IT system was not implemented yet % of satisfied customers & No. of services tickets 2012 Target was 90% Satisfaction and we achieved 94%. No. of Happy Call Customers & No. of tickets. Approximately 30,000 happy calls conducted.
12. Customer satisfaction Surveys Customer satisfaction surveys targeting the customers who enjoyed our services for the last 6 months, the information collected are: -Customer satisfaction index -Defining Customer’s behavior change -Defining Customer’s values related to each service package -Matching between internal KPI, and the customer values
12.1. Customer satisfaction Surveys Surveys were implemented on 2008 & In 2010/2011 we didn’t conduct customer satisfaction surveys, however we collected general information during the marketing researches done for developing new services package, e.g. pro-clean/ extra-care/ pc extended warranty Customer satisfaction survey planned to be in the customer experience project survey will be decided after Q1 budget BPE.
13. Customer complaints management system Customer complaints management system was developed to automate manual paper work and communications, which consume time and normally have lake of control, this automation allow staff to focus on the solutions, and keep things under control all the time. System is developed according to ISO9001/ ISO TS requirements for continuous improvement.
13.1. Customer complaints management system Customer calls call center to file a complaint, call center agent records the complaint on the system System auto define the responsible and send him a notification mail Service supervisor review the case and define the actions Service supervisor implement the action with his team Service supervisor update the system, system shows the customer on the Happy call list Call center agent conduct happy call with the customer and confirm the closure of the complaint.
13.2. Customer complaints management system System screen shots
13.3. Customer complaints management system Complaints analysis by store, 2013
13.4. Customer complaints management system Root cause analysis from the system
13.5. Customer complaints- trend over last years No. Tickets V no. complaints No. Tickets V % complaints
14. Employee Customer Satisfaction Award To enforce front-liners staff to be customer centrist, we offer them to win a prize of SR 500 in addition to a certificate for the recognized performance by the customer. We budgeted for one winner per business (smart/ electronics) and per region ( eastern central/ western) every month. procedure Selection criteria format
14.1. Employee Customer Satisfaction Award
15. Telesales system Telesales application is an in-house-Application by IT department We use our customer data base (electronics and Smart product) Payment is done by SADAD system Currently we sell quick-fix through this channel Telesales application is an in-house-Application by IT department We use our customer data base (electronics and Smart product) Payment is done by SADAD system Currently we sell quick-fix through this channel procedure
15.1. Telesales system
16. SMS system SMS system is in house application It is used basically as a customer feedback tool to customer informed about his ticket status SMS is also part of telesales system SMS system is in house application It is used basically as a customer feedback tool to customer informed about his ticket status SMS is also part of telesales system
16.1. SMS system
Thank you…