By: Sun Tzu
Preserved in China for more than 2000 years before it was brought to the West by the French, this compact little book is widely regarded the oldest military treatise in the world. Rumored to have been used by Napoleon in his campaigns to conquer Europe, it today retains much of its original merit. American officers read it closely during WW2. it is also said that many Chinese officers know the book by heart. The book was written in 500B.C,the original author is Sun Tzu but translated in English by Lionel Giles.
Shang dynasty [1700 to about 1122 B.C] Chou dynasty[ B.C] Chin dynasty[ B.C] Han dynasty[about 200B.C-200A.D] Then China divides up into kingdoms then back to dynasties. Until the Russian Revolution the Chinese became a republic.
Chinese had very little knowledge of medical science. The Chinese did not even study the human body for religious reasons. They placed great reliance on diagnosis by the pulse. Chinese thought that by taking pulse in different places it would determine the health of different organs
“Tartars “was the general name applied to the barbarians who lived to the north and west of China. There were many distinct tribes. As the tribes, one after another, gained the ascendancy among the Tartars. They lived in horseback and moved from one place to another destroying village after village just to get some food or materials.
The book talks about the importance of attacking your enemy when he is unprepared and scheming to discover his plans, the author advises avoiding the strong and striking at the weak, and using spies for every kind of business. Principles of strategy, tactics, maneuvering, and communications, the treatment of soldiers, the importance of strong troops and well-trained officers, and the administration of rewards and punishments all have a modern ring to them. It is a valuable guide to the conduct of war.